Buck Abraw II, Son of Buck Abraw

You are too stupid to know what “racism” means. The next time that I advocate for white people to be kept from home loans, redlined, and shot by police extrajudicially, then you can accurately call me a racist.

Which it was since she is from the American continent. You do know that “United States of America” is not the only place in America, or otherwise the “United States” moniker wouldn’t be necessary, right?

I feel like a) the “colonization” of “This Is America” is an important thing to point out and to add to the mountain of proof that white people in America steal everything without regard for what they’re stealing, but b) the fucking Streisand Effect is too real, and so this also helps this thief get views for her

You’re so stupid that you thought that this was a cogent analogy. Imagine that. 

Shut the fuck up.

No one’s oversensitive. Stop projecting your own sensitivity.

Sure, we can agree on that. There is no reason to throw a race or gender of people under the bus because of your perceived grievances about how back then, they didn’t want you, now you’re hot, they all up on you.

But this is the same thing that lames say about women who are into nerd shit: “You’re just liking it because you want to be accepted/get attention from us men.”

So you think that black folks who like “white” coded stuff do it for the reason that it affords them access to white people?

If only hockey weren’t unwatchable garbage on television. 

As someone who is married to a white woman, I think that you should at least stop to think about your attraction to white people and check yourself. I think that you owe that to yourself because we’re pelted with “white is better and more beautiful” CONSTANTLY. I wouldn’t torture myself over being with a white person

I agree with this viewpoint, and I do say that while I understand why some black folks are suspicious of other black folks who marry outside of race, particularly to white people, I can do that and be understanding of the factors that led to this type of thinking and still ultimately not give a fuck about what you or

I don’t think that this post has anything to do with the argument that “well, parents will do racist things, so, uh, I guess that’s it?” is still a bad argument.

God, I miss Smashburger. I’ll take it. 

I’d also like to note here that Michael got called out on his Joy Reid comments, thought about it, and then apologized sincerely when he realized that he was wrong to say what he said and vowed to do better in the future.

Look, this is not shocking because dudes are told that they deserve a woman, and women are told that they have to look nice, be nice, smile all the time, etc., to deserve a man. That is literally how this society has been set up since it began.

Actually, yes! It means that you believe that you are unique just like all the other whiny white dudes who you are exactly like who ALSO believe that they are unique!

So your response to “this system discriminates against already disadvantaged people” is “oh, well, might as well uphold it because racist parents in a position to take advantage of a racist system are always going to do that,” huh?

I legit thought that I clicked on The Onion accidentally for just a couple of seconds.