Buck Abraw II, Son of Buck Abraw

The best part of the clip of the foul is Maxi Rodriguez looking at Matarrita like “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, MAN?!”

I really liked Red State and thought maybe it was a sign of something better from Smith. I’ve been wrong so far. 

I actually think that’s a film that’s aged... interestingly. For a while, it aged poorly... it’s a movie where a straight guy turns a lesbian straight. But I think it’s aged right back to actually interesting, providing an example of sexual/romantic fluidity. We have a woman who identifies as lesbian who begins dating

It must have been torture for these guys to go birdwatching without being able to make a single “Dee is a bird” joke.

No joke, this is definitely one of the best episodes of the show in years. Every cast member gets solid moments.

I love the way Charlie, Mac, and Dennis say “candy” like some upper-midwest townsfolk.

I think Bosa’s attitude had less to do with old college grudges than with the well known fact he just hates the browns. 

Endorsements help educate consumers, and sham endorsements short circuit that process. For example, I was once a State Farm customer, because family is important to me and it came through how important family was to the Paul twins (Chris and Cliff). But I switched to Nationwide because I value creativity, and the

BECAUSE she was a cop, she should be held to the highest standard, and the greatest consequences. She was entrusted by the public to protect all of us, and her recklessness, carelessness, negligence, and downright apathy of the power entrusted to her, took Mr. Jean’s life while he was chilling at home eating ice

It’s not about being loyal to a stranger, it’s contrarianism as performative intellectualism.

I fail to see the problem here. The Master System was far superior to the NES. 

That’s actually pretty Machiavellian.  So it’s definitely not the plan of someone from Arizona.

The difference is that Kap and Reid are getting paid by white people but being an owner means making money off the backs of black people. It’s not the same situation at all.

Shawn Carter is a capitalist and he is capitalizing off of another man’s efforts to further enrich himself. He did it in filling the void left Biggie and Pac’s untimely passing. It’s the American way and from a business perspective it makes perfect sense. The problem is his attempt to frame it any other way than

Yeah that’s a terrible take. Jay-Z’s opportunity exist solely because of Kaepernick’s sacrifice. There is something particularly ghoulish about stepping in to collect a paycheck off that struggle, when you never sacrificed anything in the first place. Kaepernick sacrificed his career? What did Jay-Z lose, again? 

I thought that too, but remember: he said it in Spanish.

Petke tried to defend himself. “You got it all wrong! I was just inviting them to get ice cream at this great new place called Mary’s Cones!”

Imagine being too homophobic for Utah.

He's probably just economically anxious.