
@Boss Mojoman: But that bezel you got makes me so horny

This just in:

I just saw a similar item at Wal-Mart yesterday for $30 I think. Still too much though.

It is funny how Hulu went from "this is so cool and amazing" to "what were you thinking", yet Netflix has gone from "I think I can use this" to "now THIS is exactly how a streaming service should be." Looks like I'll be canceling Hulu in the future and returning to my torrents.

@UGAdawg: You misunderstand. I agree about the lifetime of change, however when it is presented that way most will run. It's awesome that you don't. My point was that if someone does something for a year, most likely that will translate into longterm change.

@kaffenated: Thanks for that, exactly what I wanted to know.

@luv-hckr: Search around for "motorized desk" or similar. You can buy a pre-made frame for under $600.

@UGAdawg: Well, in his defense I think making a change for "just" a year turns into a more permanent change. I used to eat like garbage, but after changing what I ate to be more healthy now the garbage doesn't appeal to me like it used to. If you tell someone that all you have to do is make this change FOR THE REST OF

@AimAtTheFace: Here in CA it's legal if traffic is stopped for sure. I think there may be a gray area if traffic is moving very slowly.

@rapchee: There's a ball return attached to the hoop.

This just reminds me of a crappy "custom" part you'd get from Kragens. Hopefully it comes with glowing chromed plastic dragon shaped windows sprayers as well.

@tobylane: Awesome! Thank you for that. I never noticed that there before. I'd still like a little more obvious notification on the app pages themselves, but this is a big help.

@Luis Fernando Franco: No, I love my phone. I said I hate the storefront. There is plenty both companies/platforms can learn from each other.

This software is a constant reminder of why I hate the Apple Store and a little hate towards the company that changed their softwares name.

@Doople: Hmmm maybe if Kristen Bell had a baby with Laura Prepon. :)

@Doople: She kinda reminds me of Laura Prepon from That 70's Show

If he can't turn the glow off during the movie, then I completely agree with the movie theater.