@orangebluedevil: I saw the same thing in the upper left, but only at first. Since then it hasn't reappeared.
@orangebluedevil: I saw the same thing in the upper left, but only at first. Since then it hasn't reappeared.
@TheCrudMan: You are correct. It is just a matter of how you do it. I did so many of these when I was a kid it is very easy to switch between the two.
@AmphetamineCrown: No, you misunderstand. I would never use that stuff for a desk/table etc. I was just giving an example for people that like the look but also need functionality. You could also go with a sheet of glass the same dimensions as the top, but that increases the cost quite a bit.
@AmphetamineCrown: Or you could pour on some resin to get a nice and easy to clean surface.
@xhedgehogx: If VNC qualifies then LogMeIn most certainly does. I am a huge fan of the simplistic setup. It just works, at home and through my employers firewalls.
@Weakskills: They do when the date gets close but sometimes there is a very short notice of when it will be pulled.
@elquinty: Star commentors can approve your comment (like I just did). Now you can comment without approval. Welcome to Giz!
@Arcane: Wow, now I am really glad I never saw that movie. Polar bear slippers and plastic blow-up furniture? That's the best they could come up with?
Dear Comcast,
I have to side with the teacher on this one. I died at least three times in grade school because of pencil related injuries.
@jamsesh: Yes, Roku falls under their TV category so not all the same content is available. So you get more of some shows and none of others.
@fleanine: Nope that's normal.
@refused9150: Only for use with accelerometer based gameplay.
@KineticRocketFireBalls: That's what I thought. Thank you for posting that.
@JonThomasDesigns: Ugh. That stuff makes me gag.
@light: I like that one a lot, but $100 is a bit too high I think.
@Hiphopopotamus: Now I wanna see your video. Puff puff pass please.
@peon47: Right click on full size link, open link in new tab, save image
@Se7en_speed: I bought one and have never got it to work right. Just collecting dust. My guess is Windows 7 compatibility issues but I don't know. Love the idea, but I just don't have the time to trouble shoot it.
@zero111311: Giz reported on it a few years back and has a video.