
As the mother of teenage girls, I can tell you that “beauty” anything is generally going to get their attention and interest. My future doctor/scientist is also crazy about make up and fashion. She taught herself to do a full face of makeup from youtube.

Ask a generous and trusted female friend to let you read some of her dating app messages and you will quickly see that most men do virtually no emotional labor. That’s why women are talking about this.

I went through an excruciating break up last year with my long term boyfriend and had completely given up on the idea of dating/love. It sincerely exhausted me. After hearing some acquaintances stories about their SD’s I was intrigued. Extra $$, travel & a business mentor sounded excellent.

She does hair and it’s a passion of hers. She also takes the girls out to lunch with other influential women in their community. Maybe as an adult, you can say you don’t think there should be value placed on things like hair and make-up, but girls who are growing up are still learning and experimenting with what

The podcast “Death, Sex, Money” just yesterday published an episode about a woman who is a Sugar Baby to cover her college loans, and no lie...I’m kinda thinking about it...

that picture perfectly mirrored my face as I read this headline, the future truly is amazing

Captain Scully also had a first officer and I didn’t see anybody complaining about hero-worshipping Scully. Or making a fucking movie about him.

Well it’s a compound emergency: engine failure and a rapid depressurization and unknown damage to the aircraft. Who knows how well it handled after shrapnel peppered the left leading edge of the wing and that big, dead, twisted engine hanging in the breeze?

That was my favorite part.

Tower also gave her the wrong runway at first, and she was like “so, 27R now? Okay, don’t worry about us guys. Just missing part of the plane and a person was apparently sucked out... Oh, what’s that, yeah 27L. Thanks. Have a pleasant day. I’ll just stop up here by the firetruck.”

It’s amazing just how well good pilots operate. It’s as if in an emergency they shut down all the extraneous parts of themselves, and only the analytic and expert stuff comes out. It’s not like they’re machines - quite the opposite, they make decisions and improvise in ways machines simply can’t - but rather, as if

“We have part of the aircraft missing so we’re going to need to slow down a bit.”

If someone came over the radio and calmly said “we have a hole in the plane and someone came out” I think I too would take a moment and let that sink in.

I think I understand what you are trying to say but I’m sorry you are missing the mark here. And when I say miss the mark, I mean MISSING THE FUCKING MARK.

I love how she ends comms with “Have a good day.” and “Thank you for the assistance.” in a calm and cool manner. Like hey I lost a chunk of plane and a passenger so my day is shit. I hope yours is pleasant.

So because she’s a woman you baturally doubted she was the one flying the plane is that right? Despite the fact SHE WAS PERSONALLY greeting passenger abd you could listen to her audio yourself.

From the audio, the tower guy seems to be pretty dumbstruck when she tells him there is a hole and somebody got sucked out.

I’m guessing he passes on the STD with a bunch of emotional and psychological abuse — you’re tainted now, no one will ever want you but me, aren’t you glad I’m able to take care of you, etc. As for what STD it is, I’m guessing it’s either viral and incurable, like herpes, or an antibiotic-resistant strain of something

Whatever it takes to bring R. Kelly down finally: I’m here for it.

What strikes me about the Kardashian women is not their choice of first names, but always giving their children their fathers’ last names.