
Kylie Jenner brought out a hot pink wig and ‘grammed it with the Mean Girls quote: “I’m not a regular mom I’m a cool mom.”

Way to push that narrative that kids are the newest and bestest accessory Kylie. It’s easy to be the cool mom when you have an army of servants at your beck and call so you can bump off to Coachella for the weekend...

It probably doesn’t cure anything (especially none of the awful things), but hell if it isn’t the only thing that gets me to sleep since my husband died. And keeps the PTSD cancer death related thoughts at bay.

You couldn’t pay me enough to hang out with most of these douchebags.

At this point any parent who signs their kid up to work for Disney should be charged with child abuse, because everyone knows how that will end. A parent who allows their kid, or even pushes their kid to work for Disney does not love their child

I hate this narrative of a broken man, once it’s revealed someone sexually assaults or harasses people. A lot of broken men and women do not grow up to be abusers themselves.

How in the world does it go both ways? TV and film acting is not a specialized skill the same way the theater is.

Every once in a while some man to whom I attach no importance whatsoever will do something trash, and it will get me feeling that all men are trash. This is one of those times

During his eventual interview with Good Morning America, he’ll claim that he’s afraid of failure and sabotaged his relationship on purpose, or something else equally asinine.

He’s Khloe’s type. She always date dudes who treat her like that.

I feel like Tristan is just cruel. Like, I get it, athletes cheat, but did he want her to find out becuase he didn’t even try to hide it. He cheated in public at least twice and he didn’t even properly vet the instragram models he cheated with. No NDA’s or anything. He’s either the laziest or stupidest cheater that

ALSO the word in the theatre community in NYC is that Billy actually was a pretty stand-up guy in that entire situation. Supposedly Mary-Louise Parker was (is?) an absolute nightmare and she fucked him over many times during their relationship. He could have trashed her when all the nastiness went down but he kept his

Now that I read into this Tristan dude, there have been red flags all over! Dude was caught making out and motor boating (jfc) two woman back in October. I’m guessing Khloe realizes. I’m mean, how could she not? On another note, but similar...Naomi better watch out! I believe Billy left his pregnant wife (Mary-Louise

I worked for four years at a mid-size family owned (father/son) company. The father was 83 when I started. From Norway, and an old-school sexist who really disapproved of women who worked outside the home, but he wasn’t there much and I mostly worked with his son - who was a bit of a frat-boyish douche, but not awful

I had been working at a company for about a year, and was the top producer and basically needed no oversight. I ask my male boss for a raise. Fucker had the gall to tell me that I didn’t deserve a raise because I didn’t smile enough. I didn’t work with the public — I sat a computer all day. I soon found out (when

I worked in the non-profit sector for years. At one particularly high-profile zoo, I was hired as a supervisor for front-end operations when I was in my mid 20s, unmarried with no kids. My boss and I enjoyed a very friendly relationship, and we, and other management employees would grab beers after work occasionally.

I work in a warehouse. 4 of us do the exact same job and started at the exact same wage. One woman and I started early enough in the year that we were eligible for a raise at the end of the summer when raises are handed out to all the employees. Another woman and a man did not get raises that first time. Both of us

I was the assistant to a division head of a private school. One year he ran for City Council, but wasn’t elected — I handled everything that happened in his absence, including leading assemblies for our division of the school: 325 students ages 7-13 in a room, and me in my 20's.... When he announced he was leaving

My last full-time job was in a department that had started out all women when it first opened and was solidly 50-50 when I came on board, with men in the more senior roles. After just four months, they hired a junior guy underneath me (in a position I’d advocated hiring a more qualified woman for), then handed him

I currently am self-employed (fuck yes!) and met my business partner at a job in 2011. She eventually took on a store management role at the bakery we met at. At first, it was still hourly pay with a few extras like car insurance being paid by the bakery with the requirement her car be used for deliveries (which