
Your Quarterbacks

Speaking of people who have had rough times in Florida, they traded for Jason Pierre-Paul.

He’s right about people in general, not just golfers. They don’t think ahead while in line. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a TSA security line and half the people walk up to the podium and only then start pulling out their ID and boarding pass. Or they don’t get out the credit card at the store until all

*throws one club in between 2 inmates*

If you outlaw golf, only the outlaws will golf.

God damn! You got me! I didn’t. I didn’t win a stanley cup, chief. Did you?

“Still won't be as bad as Boston fans/reporters" --Chernobyl, Episode 5

Speaking of round objects passing between people’s legs, many of us would experience joy if Darren Rovell pulled his head out of his ass.


But no mention of John Elway, who ran for over 3,400 career yards looking like a horse?

Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

“No one by virtue of their sex or gender identity alone is capable of performing at the level of an elite athlete. “

based entirely on social perceptions of gender”

Huh, I never realized biological males had no natural advantage over biological females.  Let’s just scrap women’s sports altogether.  Easy fix!

“There is no stark line separating what men can do athletically and what women can. Some women, in fact, are bigger, faster, and stronger than some men.”

I find much of this astoundingly misleading, so all I want to say is — at this point, why do you want women’s sports at all? If men have no biological edge in sports, what is the point?

Imagine thinking you know more about women’s sports than Nancy Hogshead-Makar and deciding to actually write a blog post about it.

Sorry Diana, it’s time to stick with the expert on this. 

This article spends a lot of time attempting to diminish the role testosterone plays in Athletics and implies that it does not give an advantage to Semenya. I’m highly skeptical, given testosterone’s use as a PED going back to the East Germany days. If it is true that Semenya has no advantage, then why not allow all