(though the FBI coldly identifies her as a “black male”)
(though the FBI coldly identifies her as a “black male”)
Vázquez then told police that he and the victim had “sex but not really,” per the court record.
WebMD isn't some secret that only you know about, ya salty asscrack.
hurt, suspended, or in Cleveland
I didn’t even know the NFL was getting people addicted to the Civil War.
Here’s some good news, you shouldn’t make your bed.
Damn, the whole time I was reading this article I was hearing that laugh!
Who own the Chiefs?
That’s great, Drew. But who are the Chefs?
“Some people are fans of the Los Angeles Chargers.”
Like a kazoo with wheels. ZZZzzoooweet!
Sino wave generator.
Reading this article is probably the happiest I’ll be during this Lions season. Imagine being the fan of a franchise and the happiest you know you’ll be during the entire football season is reading a Drew Magary piece in freakin’ July.
This Nate is growing on me Peter, man.
But he’s got some talent. He’s got some athleticism