
Me either. The only thing I use if for is if I get a Visa/MC prepaid card. I can swipe it and then go get the cash. Works great for that. But other than me, I've seen nobody else with it.

I get it now... not something I need nor want. I really have no need to have access to every song I have on my iPhone. Every now and then, I just move some music on, take some music off and I'm good to go. But, if others use it and like it, then it's all good. Just not something I see a need for.

Shot their wad on the Kindle Fire already?

No problem, I didn't think you were bashing me. I'm somewhat techy, but I'll be the first to admit I missed parts of the article that would have answered my question. No mercy from some of the other commenters though... Ha!

Wow... didn't necessarily expect to get bashed so much for my ignorance, but oh well, this is Gizmodo, so I should have expected it. Ha.

Ok, so I'm ignorant... but does iTunes match only work with music you purchased through iTunes? What about songs you ripped from a CD or music that was downloaded elsewhere?

That's exactly what I've been wondering too. If I can't upload my own music, movies, etc... I'll pass. Plus, a 7" screen isn't exactly drawing me to it either, no matter how nice it looks.

In a previous job where a lot of us had 2 way radios, when someone asked your 10-4, it was common to answer "Brown-Out."

I was thinking the same thing. Why would I need an app to use my Gmail, when I use the built in app for that? What would app do (if it was any good) that I couldn't do with the built in app that would be such a huge improvement?

It would seem that judging from the comments here that netbooks aren't dead. I don't think anyone is surprised that tablets are selling more now, but 7.3 million sold hardly qualifies as dead.

I'm right there with you. I hackintoshed a Dell Mini 10V and it's great. My wife uses it all the time and the size allows me to "hide" it on the bookshelf out of the way when I'm streaming to my AppleTV. Plus, I love having a mini MacBook. Hardly dead for me. Things are only dead if you don't use them.

In the story it seems that it just bugs this guy that his roommate uses IE. For your situation, I can clearly understand why IE would be a nuisance.

Does it really matter what browser someone else is using? If you like Chrome of Firefox, what difference does it make to you if someone else is using IE?

"Being first on the Internet is serious business." Except in this case...

I'm holding out for the untethered jailbreak. One of the first things I get is SBS Settings. With that, you'll at least be able to hide the icon.

Personally, I like the app Simply Postcards. You buy credits, 1 for $1.99 and then it gets a little less per credit the more you buy... 30 credits ends up being $1 each. With each credit they mail a real postcard from any photo you have. It's a snap and the quality is great. Ok, maybe iCards has more tweaks, but

I know it's a huge long shot, and more wishful thinking, but I'd love to hear something about new MacBook Pro Air's, 15 and 17 inch. Seems like that rumor fizzled pretty quickly... Still, looking forward to the keynote though.

What happened to the rumor about a 15" and 17" MacBook Air? I was planning on holding out for one of those... My 17" is still hanging on, but pushing 5 years. I've swapped out the hard drive, the optical drive, got a new logic board due to the Nvidia issue and yesterday my power supply popped and burned... I'm due

Wow... this guy can actually take a vacation? I'm jealous...