
I agree, plus, what do you think the idiots in D.C. are going to do with that money anyway?

Puma needs to give that dude an endorsement deal! I can see the commercial now... "Try doing this in fucking Reeboks!"

Not really, but not everyone has a DVR, plus when you download a show using a torrent, you have no commercials, which is a huge plus.

I'm promote too, if I could. Plus, there are plenty of free texting apps out there anyway and they work perfectly fine.

Oh please please please please let that be true!

Me too... but I don't think it's sad. I'm an optimist! Plus, wondering is more exciting to my job!

Well then, I think that would place you in the pure evil category. :-)

"Seriously, the keyboard alone is reason enough to buy the BlackBerry Bold 9900"

If you mean by next winter, this upcoming winter, then that would match what the rumors are saying, so I'm fine with that timeline. If you mean next winter, late 2012, then you gotta bet! :-)

I sure hope they announce the new MacBook Pro Airs as well. My current MacBook Pro is starting to wear thin and I'd love to get a 15" Air...

My initial reaction was wondering why the hell there was a study for this in the first place...

I'm with you on that... it sure seems like the rumors, or lack thereof, are pretty disappointing so far. I also keep hoping for some more rumors and/or info on the new MacBook Pro Air like styles.

+1... I busted up on your last sentence...

Or blows?... sorry, was too easy.

It's cool to be a geek, but an Excel geek? $5000 for being crowned Champion boring geek. Sorry to anyone who thinks Excel is exciting... but it that's your thing, who am I to judge... Ha!

I've said it before and I'll say it again... just another reason not to join. I am so glad I never did.

Wow.... and yet another reason for me to stay away from Google+ or Twitter, Facebook etc. All I ever seem to get are reasons NOT to join these things, although I sure do feel like I'm in the minority sometimes... I'm such a rebel... ha

Interesting that just couple stories back was this, "Is Android About to Get Crushed?" Yet, in the 3rd sentence above, "Android is becoming a power player. " Hmmmm....