
Yeah, the front phone is an Merlin Legend MLX-20L, a long discontinued hunk of crap. The phone behind it however looks to be a Cisco 7975 IP Phone. I would imagine the Merlin Legend phone is more for internal use though... which I would guess would be used more often.

Whoa, I guess the joke I use when a friend is being a bit too girly about growing a vagina wouldn't go over to well with this guy...

Is it just me, or have most, if not all of the rumors so far been pretty sketchy? Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places, but it sure seemed like even before the great iPhone4/Giz fiasco, the rumors seemed a bit more concrete? Either way, I'm excited to see how new and improved it is over the iPhone 4...

I'm all for it, although I would miss the optical drive. I use it pretty often still. But, I can get the external one I suppose. So, with that in mind, I'd love to see this, hopefully it'll be a little less than the current MacBook Pro 15...

Was there really even a need for this article? Let's settle this once and for all? Please...

Sorry... Steve has it covered already...

Ha... no, just am used to a mouse I guess... I'm planning on a new MacBook Pro before the year end, or when they get around to updating them, so with the new track pad on it, it would make the swipes/gestures easier I'm sure. I'll get with the times eventually...

I'll pass and stick with Snow Leopard. I have an older MacBook Pro plus I'd rather not deal with 3 and 4 finger swipes anyway...

30 foot range? For a R/C car? Fail

If you can afford to have bathrooms like these, you hire someone to clean them for you. Problem solved.

If streaming matched the DVD's as far as availability, I'd gladly move to streaming only... guess I'm stuck with a bit of a price hike... It's only going to be about $5, so not the end of the world, so I can't complain too much.

I'm no power user, or developer, and more of the consumer type user Jesus mentions. I'm perfectly happy with SL and really see no need to move to Lion. I'm perfectly happy and content using a mouse. Ok, maybe I'm old fashioned a bit in that respect, but I personally find gestures annoying. I don't want to have to

@CaptainJack: Sponsors of the bill are 2 Democrats and 1 Republican....

I might think this would be sort of cool if I used Facebook. I swear, sometimes I think I'm the only one who's not engrossed in the Facebook and/or Twitter universe.

I'm not worked up at all... I just find this unbelievably ridiculous, like so many of the other comm enters. "Oooh... let me donate $1 so I can feel good helping save the planet." This is a really good donation? Give me a break. I'm all for saving energy, recycling, etc. but in my opinion, this is nothing more

Don't worry, they'll find enough tree huggin', grassy knoll sittin', birkenstock wearin' people who'll gladly give them $1... plenty of suckers out there.

Anybody have any experience on the RCA Small Wonder Camcorder? My wife is wanting something like this. May be perfect, but no idea if it's a hunk of junk or not. Mixed reviews on Amazon... so anybody have any thoughts?

@ian.g.case: +1... not much else to say about this now. You pretty much covered it I'd say.

Wipe it, Jailbreak it and unlock it to maximize what you can sell it for.