
Dream top 3 = Latrice, Monet, Monique.

I don’t know why, but I just love the way you wrote this post — “cooking me with their tender little furnace bodies.” It’s just beautiful.

I wish that my three children didn’t require surgical intervention to enter the world. The havoc those C sections have wreaked on my back and abs can’t be overstated.

I would drop the “just” out of the email. I read an article in what I think was the Atlantic a while ago about how a lot of people (women especially) add the word “Just” to our correspondence to soften our language. At first I was like FUCK THAT IM JUST BEING POLITE.

If that quivering mound of recessive genes and received pronunciation doesn't scream Divine Right, then I don't know what does.

I had a coworker who once gave me Tom Wolfe’s “I am Charlotte Simons” and as he slid it across my desk towards me he said “you remind me of the main character”

You are so right!

I’m shocked. This is my shocked face.


Nice strawman argument. This issue ISN’T that he did those things (though, it doesn’t help)...  Its that he lied about it - repeatedly - under oath.

Not a problem friend, everyone likes what they like. No reason to even comment this.

Hopefully someone buys them a V-05 Hot Oil Treatment twin pack as a wedding gift.

I’m confused. Who am I supposed to be mad at? I’m leaning towards just eating a Snickers.  Can someone tell?

Well, he’s right about one thing, this is a complete sham.  But just not for the reasons he thinks.  

I had the exact same reaction, especially after the Huff Post piece made such a big deal of having the people featured choose their own photos and how they were portrayed. That was powerful, this is disappointing. 

Really, with the picture? It’s one step up from the “headless fatty” pics used to dehumanize fat people all the time in the media.

Maria Sherman is obviously a woman of great sophistication and refined tastes. 

1) Fuck no.

This reminds me, in addition to my organic anal beads, it looks like my dildo garden is almost ready for its first harvest of the year! #blessed