
Watching those videos is giving me anxiety haha. I’m amazed that I’ve made it onto airplanes as much as I have, given said anxiety. We flew through an awful storm that came up fast and heavy, and I looked out the window and saw extreme lightening and was just like ‘hee hee hee hoo hoo hoo’ like lamaze breathing, even

Omg, I get you now. Nope! The movie had nothing to do with water. It was more like a very high budget personal j/o fantasy.

I *wish* it was Shape of Water! That would be cool.

It was a party at the actual aquarium! We have a very nice, fancy aquarium and people can lease it. Sometimes they do “sleepovers” there and whatnot. 

Nope! Much much bigger. This was not a second rate picture. It was a bad movie, but it was very well funded. Think high level studio production.

The absolute best party I went to was a wrap party for a film my husband worked on (which was high budget and bloody terrible). They rented out the entire aquarium and positioned OPEN BARS on every fucking level. There was a photobooth with props from the film. I mean, absolutely ridiculous. And because you could just

I hope not! hahaha

What can I say here, exactly?

If someone shares an anecdote, they generally add flavour. An idea of how someone sounds or looks generally. A Newfoundland accent is a distinct character trait— for good or ill. I’m sorry if pointing it out is a sore spot.

Oh boy. Clearly a bit of a sore spot.

It’s a very specific accent.

Yeah-- I went on a date with a guy from Newfoundland (just to paint a linguistic picture) who sprung it on me later that he was a supporter of Stephen Harper, and didn’t believe in abortion. I blanched and said I should go. He tried to kiss me and I deaked and walked away. Later, he angrily messaged me and told me I

I know a few people who worked on movies in the 90s with him and can confirm that he is basically an idiot.

I’m so into this.

I always find the Raf hate weird because Michael actually sucked super hard in the first season. Don’t get me wrong, ol’ Potato Head grew on me and I definitely agree they leaned hard into the standard romance tropes re: Raf and predetermined love vs. Michael and loving the person you’ve chosen BUUUUUT Raf as a

I’m a Paul Feig stan, for sure. Freaks & Geeks alone is one of the best things on TV of all time, in my opinion, and you can already see how he handles women/girls as characters, which is to say, he writes them as fully fleshed out humans. I could wax poetic about the ending of F&G forever, tbh.

Given the collaborative nature of a writer’s room for any TV show, they’re both responsible, if not complicit in one anothers fatphobia

In this situation, it’s somewhat applicable. Siblings are differing on their upbringing and it is disingenuous to say that the ones who are speaking up for their Mother had the only experience of Mia as a parent. I believe the victims, which in this case I can believe that Soon Yi was abused by Mia AND Dylan was

I actually didn’t hate Mrs Maisel— I thought it was cute and spunky, a good distraction. Gilmore Girls is my all time comfort show.

WITH THAT SAID, not all children are treated equally by their parents in a relationship and everyone views their parental relationships differently. I would say my father was not a good parent-- my sister would say differently. We each had different experiences growing up.

This just in: Fat people don’t deserve to be friends. They’re KIIIIILLLINNGGGG the thins out there.

David has Never Known A Woman, that much is true.