
62 million people voted for Donald Trump. Stupid gullible people often confuse arrogant obnoxious assholes for bold leaders.

My favorite version of this is when Republican fundraisers are asking for money so they can fight communism/socialism.

There are always people who enjoy watching assholes because it makes them feel vicariously powerful. He’s their id. He gets to be the loudmouthed fuckbags they wish they could be, if only they had the power and the platform to do the same.

Honestly, the reason for the drop is probably far less interesting than how he’s been very successfully (read as: profitably) sensationalizing the whole thing.

It’s also a shit-fucking world where this clown is the one that gets to keep producing videos.  Fuck Spanfeller.  

It’s always funny (and sad) to see a bunch of poor people donate to a millionaire.

surely no noble western developers would stoop to such disgusting tactics

There isn’t a dichotomy here. “USA is bad” doesn’t cancel out “China is bad.” They’re both bad. Maybe not to the exact same degree, but those two statements are not mutually exclusive.

He’s desperate and needs some kind of “rallying cry” but nobody cares.

Two countries can do bad things.

He literally checks all 14 trademarks of a fascist dictator. But I thought we were talking about China. I’m not, like, defending the president.

China does heinous shit? Like unmarked ‘agents’ kidnapping people, speeding them away to parts unknown, without trial or due process? Because that’s totally not happening in the US right now...oh wait...

Right? Like, real estate, tech, you name it. All because some teens made fun of him on Tik-Tok and he thinks it might get people fired up to vote for him.

Like, China does some heinous shit, but come on, guy. Listen to, like, one of your advisers. At least.

It’s funny because he could easily get more centrists on his

Trump’s a piece of shit, but someone DOES need to punch China in the nose. The enemy of our enemy is not our friend. The number of people supporting China just because Trump is against them is scary.

People really need to accept the fact that, unlike Microsoft, Sony hasn’t been on a seven year losing streak and that exclusivity deals of all shapes and sizes are more widely available to them and at far less cost. And, as any business is wont to do, Sony will take advantage of that fact. And that regarding

That may be what he meant, but that’s not at all what he said.

There are things that could be much worse (ex. FFVII Remake Part 2 not being released until 2030).

Yeah people forget how the whole Bundy thing came down to a bunch of upper middle class types not wanting to pay their grazing fees.

Jokes on you, most (nearly 90%) of cattle in the US raised for slaughter are in fact raised on grass. Its dairy cows that are half and half or corn/soy fed.

Reminds me of Bill Hicks’ routine about the Rodney King trial:

This isn’t about you man. Sorry you’ve had a tough go of things, but this has nothing to do with you or your living situation.

Hope you keep your head above water. 

Username tracks.