
True. That is a difference.

It’s no surprise to me at all that he shows love to Trump. I’ve been saying for the longest that Kanye is the Donald Trump of hip hop (and inversely, that Donald Trump is the Kanye of politics). Huge ego. Love the attention and publicity and do and say a lot of controversial shit to get it. Can’t handle criticism.

His posts are generally well written. I think he was probably just sleepy lol.

Nintendo Labo turns making each Toy-Con is a fundamental part of the experience. When the side of the box says how it takes to make each Toy-Con, as any LEGO fan will say, building time is also part of the playtime experience.

I encourage you to read up on stoicism. True stoicism is not hiding your emotions from others. Your emotions are a part of you. Hiding your emotions means you are hiding your true self from other people, which is not being real. It’s being fake, pretending, out of fear of how others will perceive you. This is not

It makes more sense if we consider cults like this extreme examples of things that happen everyday. I mean, there is a possibility that you might be in a cult. Consider for instance: there are companies out there that require people to work really long hours, deal with all manners of abusive behavior from their

It’s so weird but before the guy started to speak I knew he was going to sound exactly like this. Why did I know that? I even said it to myself before the video.

This is a man that was looking for any reason to shoot someone. So many Americans are like this. So many “responsible gun owners” just cannot wait to have the opportunity to kill someone.

Maybe he has a point. Maybe back in his day thats how it the word was used. But words...they change...

I’ve been pulled over for no reason many times. I’ve never suddenly recalled an internet comment I made once while that was happening. Having trouble seeing the connection here.

As a consumer of video game related news articles, I don’t give an actual fuck about how many wins this guy has. But the fact that he had this win after his brother murdered his mother. Holy shit. I’m interested!

I get it. He makes a very good tough guy. Which is funny cuz his real personality seems to be not like that at all.

People on the right are not pretending to like him. The problem that this article tries to point out, is that they don’t like the real him, but this manufactured and whitewashed version of him that was cooked up by white America after his death. This article is not anti-white. Michael even goes out of his way to do

Billionaire: does something normal people do everyday.

If you don’t respect your workers and their right to organize then you are an asshole. Period, end of story. I don’t see how this article could have been any clearer. I’m rooting for Musk on a lot of things. He can be an asshole and still do good things. But he’s an asshole, period. There is no need for a balanced

(Me after reading the comments) It’s funny because everyone wants to argue that video games are an art. Until people actually talk about them like art and treat them like art, and then people want to say “it’s just a game!”

Workers should always strive to unionize, you have nothing to lose

Idk why I wrote stormship troopers lmao. I swear to god that is not what I said in my mind! I think it might have been autocorrect... Yeah, we’ll just go with that.

He thought he had everything he needed, but realized he was missing something. So he got back with her, got the thing and now he’s like “okay never mind. We are really done this time.”

What people classify as sexism* idk why I didn’t add the rest of that in there.