
So you say. But unfortunately, you aren’t very informed on constitutional law. What you say can’t be true, because there are already laws that, by your definition, infringe on our right to bear arms and thus, by your own analysis, make the entire document of the constitution invalid.

What is a fallacy slope? Imposing restrictions on the purchase of guns does not touch the second amendment. The second amendment says this: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

I’m not actually a big gun control advocate. My stance on it is kind of like, why not try it? But also, it’s not going to solve the problem.

it’s actually not about blaming guns, it’s not about blaming anything, it’s about finding solutions to make it harder for the wrong people to get those guns. What he really meant to say is that the right chooses to focus on everything except the central element in this equation. Which is predictable, considering many

Should clarify something. My interest in this is not personal or political. I don’t have any interest in seeing our society shift to making it culturally acceptable for women to walk around topless. I don’t think its good or bad it’s just not an achievable, practical, or even worthy goal, for reasons I won’t go into

They are equivalent, and It’s perfectly understandable to be confused by this. Because the eroticized female breast that you described has to do with the way we are socialized, what OP is really questioning is this socialization, which he or she does not understand. I would imagine if you grew up in a tribe where it

How about, maybe, we consider the fact that every child is different? Maybe one child might benefit from a more hands off parenting style and another might not. I work with families and I actually tell them to try to figure out what works best for them. But that has to begin from a place of being less on top of them,

If this is an isolated incident that doesn’t reflect a broader hesitancy among publishers to publish content they feel will anger their sponsors, which probably shapes the way that content is written and presented, then you’re right. If not, then you kinda missed the point.

Again, I’m not sure why everything on the internet nowadays is expected to elicit “outrage.” As if that is the only response one can, or should have, to any kind of article that is critical of something.

I don’t think people are supposed to be “upset.” I’m not sure why everything in the news these days is expected to illicit that kind of response. But it is telling, the way that advertisers shape the news. Maybe not upsetting, but troubling.

You sound paranoid.

Why are human beings the way that they are?

Me too! Thought I wasn’t the only one but a lot of people are saying this!

This, surprisingly, is not of an exaggeration. The video actually did creep me out and left me feeling creeped out after I watched it for some strange reason. I have no idea what the fuck that’s about either. It’s just a creepy video. Like the hair his whole attitude the way he responds to what’s happening to his head

Yeah I’m interested in how it works too. I’m thinking its also more the second kind. Which has its own appeal. I mean aside from just curiosity (I don’t have much experience with this either) there’s also the appeal of like, getting a peak into this funny world of unabashed douchebaggery, from the perspective of

Well then it wouldn’t be much of a game would it?

Losers trying desperately to be winners smh.

Incidentally, “I’m a terrific seamstress” is the most badass thing I’ve heard anyone say all year.

What was he even doing at Valve, I thought they don’t make games anymore.

One cat tried to look behind the TV to see if something was there.