I’m just saying MF Doom almost don’t even count like, yeah he references anime but he’s obviously a geek of course he would.
I’m just saying MF Doom almost don’t even count like, yeah he references anime but he’s obviously a geek of course he would.
Not even saying he should be banned or anything like that I was just genuinely curious why someone who obviously hates a website would continue to visit it and give it traffic. It’s a bizarre concept to me. Like there are websites that I don’t like. And, far from seeking them out to read blog posts from them, I avoid…
Honest question, why are you even here?
Yeah but that’s kind of his whole thing so it’s not surprising to see it in that context. I don’t find geeks referencing anime to be interesting. Geeks are supposed to like geek shit. It’s actually kind of boring to me now. I mean the whole reference shit like, yeah we get it you like comic books. Who gives a fuck?…
Who cares though? If that’s what the men want that’s what they want. Men are not entitled to an audience just because they are men. Streaming, like any other form of entertainment, is subject to the laws of the free market economy that makes it possible. In this economy, no one is entitled to shit. You live and die on…
Gawd why do I know what the song is without anyone having to tell me smh.
I am dying at all these comments lmao.
I believe this is very important, in as far as it reveals the very deep inauthenticity behind republican politics. Republican politicians trade on exactly this kind of folksy down to earth southern charm. It probably won George Bush the election, for example. But it’s all fake. It’s so obviously fake but people…
That was so much more cringeworthy than I thought it would be.
I remember a blog I used to follow back in the day when RSS was a thing, called the Sartorialist, where the guy went around taking pictures or random people on the streets of NY with good fashion sense. Is that still a thing? I wonder if that’s still a thing.
For real if they’re providing me entertainment I don’t mind giving them what they want, they deserve it, just like any other entertainment provider out there. This is how I feel everytime I fall into the pit of some random vlog beef and start watching all their videos to get in on that nice, nice drama.
Well I definitely haven’t read the books so I’m speaking purely about the games. I initially wrote that in my original comment but then deleted it for some reason.
America actually does have a problem with whitewashing but this isn’t an example of it. Alita is not canonically Japanese. Changing her to be Japanese would be an arbitrary decision.
I’m not at all saying it doesn’t make sense, narratively or otherwise. I’m simply expressing a personal gripe. I loved the game, and I’m not saying if the game changed to my liking it would be a better game. Better for me, but maybe worse for other people. Personally, I don’t like the main characters of stories to be…
You’re making it sound like I’m getting this out of nowhere, but I mean they actually comment on this in game. I forgot what they say but several times I remember them mentioning how he’s always fucking around with royalty and banging hot sorceresses. So yeah, the other Witchers are boring and I didn’t like that. I…
So why isn’t the same thing true for all the other Witchers? Cuz that’s the thing I didn’t like about the Witcher games. It made it seem like you are at the center of everything important happening in the world, even though, at the same time, you are this marginal figure in the world. Which would be alright, but like,…
(whispers) those Dominican people you speak of, the ones who she can pass for. They are black.
The tongue in cheek one is actually the best one.
So, not only did they invite this dude, they let him read a motherfucking poem??? A motherfucking self-written poem??? They let this nigga do spoken word???
It’s a weird concept to many Americans that the world doesn’t actually think they are the center of it.