
No, that’s not what his argument is. You are misrepresenting his argument here. It is indisputable that bitcoins, at the moment, are worth something. That’s an objective fact, easily verifiable. It’s also an indisputable fact, argued against by no one, that people have not made money off bitcoin. The question is, is

This is exactly how I learned it lol.

But no one is calling Intel stocks a currency, are they?

So what you are telling me is that bitcoin is real, only insofar as it can be exchanged for legitimate currencies? What’s the point of it then? Seems like it’s still dependent on legit currencies in some way. Like we are calling it a currency but talking about it as if it’s an investment. In that sense you could say

This was actually my favorite part.

Good Morning Kinjaers!

What new tech would he even need? I’m confused by that. I mean I’m sure his backers had an expectation in their mind, and it didn’t involved sounds from the future that haven’t been invented yet.

The way you wrote that makes it sound like it just happened to him. Like he just was walking and then fell into a pit of 121,000 dollars and didn’t know how to get out of it. This guy is clearly taking advantage of people. If he can finish all those projects that big name studios give him on time, and within budget,

There’s a power to being the president’s wife. They can share in some of the power of that office. And, to quote a wise sage, with great power comes great responsibility. I don’t care if they do all the little duties or whatever that need to be performed. I don’t even know what duties there are to being first lady,

Uuuuh, pretty sure Luke is not arguing for the suit, but against it.

Doesnt autoplay for me.

Japanese role playing games are really the best when it comes to this imo since they are so creative with the worlds they build for their stories (instead of the same fantasy or sci fi world we encounter in every western RPGs). So though I have many favorites, that list would be filled with jRPGs.

I think if they are true inspirations like they influenced the game’s themes or story then our understanding of those texts can deepen our understanding of the game. But idk if that applies here I’ve never played this game.

Hey I wouldn’t blame you even if you did hate your family. Some families are terrible. Others have that one person that ruins the day for everyone. Your brother in law, for instance, sounds like a maaaaajor asshole.. No one should be forced to be around people they don’t like just because they are blood.

It’s not just retail fast food and factor workers that have to worry. Machines are coming for your jobs too, game designers!

Because not everyone hates their family.

Why do people play video games? There’s no point to them...

Smh, you fundamentalist christians never let me down.

A. No one forced you to read it and B. This is extremely important and I wish everyone in the world actually was forced to read it.

On the othe hand, he didn’t deny what happened, he apologized, and he did not make excuses or justifications for his behavior