
Cuz bitch if you ugly you ugly I don’t make the rules lol.

I’ve been sayin this shit for years. I have a lot of white friends and the shit they think is normal, just everybody shit, I look at and go “that’s some real white people shit right there” in my mind.

Second of all, this sentence implies that up until this point Andy Mitten thought that all esports athletes were probably rapists.

Yeah I don’t get this either. I mean I’ve never had the urge to whip my dick out randomly at someone. I keep my hands to myself as a general rule and don’t think it has ever been that difficult. Not saying I’m not trash, but it’s not that difficult to not rape people is all I’m saying.

Yeah I’m not criticizing anyone for adopting a silly or childish handle, as I said I have one myself (not gonna put it out there as I want to keep my anonymity). But that’s my personal thing and I’m not trying to be taken seriously as a professional. If that isn’t the case for an individual person then what I’m saying

But if it’s not gonna go in that direction that’s fine. It doesn’t have to be all professional. But if that’s what the community wants then having the stupid handles isn’t gonna work. And btw I have nothing against stupid and childish handles. I have one myself. But I’m also not out here trying to be taken seriously

Never said it wasn’t. However, I’m pretty sure that the majority of Americans will respond to a lot of these names in this exact way, that is, have the same opinion about them that I do, and what I’m saying is that if competitive gaming wants to call itself e-sports and be taken seriously, then people having these

And honestly if I had to make a bet on who would win in a Street Fighter Deathmatch and my choices were “hadoken420" and “Bob Smith” you can bet your ass I’m going to assume hadoken420 is the better player.

I’m not talking about what’s okay I’m talking about what’s cool. And for the record no, whipping your dick out is just not really a cool move in any context. However, if it’s some scrub ass old dude that’s doing it, it’s somehow even less cool.

I don’t see how your comment negates anything I wrote. Recreating a style accurately is not the same thing as engaging with the content of the art in an intelligent way. It could be the most faithful recreation of that style, but if it is only the “style” it recreates, then as far as that art is concerned, it is all

Bad boys are cool. Some old, fat, ugly ass guy whipping his dick out randomly? Not cool.

It’s funny cuz my problem with games like is not their not confronting the ugly truth of the past, as much as it is the opposite end of that coin, the turning of the past into some kind of vintage aesthetic.

The point of a list like this is to recommend games to new PC players. Simple as that. It’s like okay, just bought a PC. What am I gonna play now? Here are some recommends.

Wow this is all it took huh?

No one wants it to be statutory rape. I’m reading people stating facts. I feel sorry for this dude and hope he didn’t fall for jail bait, but IF they were under 18 that does make it kind of outside the realm of something to mind your business about.

Butt why?

I’ve heard a few things like this that make me suspect that guy is actually not as dumb as he looks or makes himself out to be:

You guys are always using this same creepy ass picture of Kevin Spacey lol.  

Yeah the big difference between Trump and Bush is that Bush is actually a very intelligent man, but only acts stupid. Trump really is just stupid, there’s no act.

Exciting comes in many forms. I think if he/she is an interesting person that’s exciting. If they make your heart beat faster every once in a while, at least in the beginning when the relationship is still new and you’re still discovering who they are, that can be exciting. Eventually everyone will become boring and