Look at the period in between white and power. Then remember that the mustang is white, and that it is a powerful car... yeaaaah lol
Look at the period in between white and power. Then remember that the mustang is white, and that it is a powerful car... yeaaaah lol
I was imagining a job where you get paid to hunt particularly illusive bugs. I was greatly disappointed. That would have been so much cooler than this!
Yes, you are correct thank you for that distinction. Ignorance is something we all have. It’s not a bad thing, provided you acknowledge the limitations of your own knowledge on a subject. Willful ignorance is a whole different thing.
I hear from the pick up artist crowd that sitting with your legs wide apart is a sign of confidence and dominance so you should sit with them as far apart as possible...
Being fat is a big thing in American lifestyle culture.
Nitpick to your nitpick: sometimes words develop new uses or become used as technical terms with specific meanings that don’t match the standard definition (as in the word theory).
Really though? Did I just get rick rolled in 2017??? Really?
I see what you’re saying but...
I keep seeing various articles saying that white people need to speak up and denounce this crap
I don’t think we should be making this more complicated than it has to be. There’s no like special circumstances for jewish women vs, this or that kind of person you know, it’s not that complicated lol.
Is this a question coming from her? It sounds to me like she’s already doing more than most lol. We can all do more I guess. But asking someone to do more if they are doing what they feel they have to do and are comfortable with that is not good. Everyone can contribute to a better world in their own way, but it has…
That’s what kills me right. You weren’t willing to listen to all the black people, latinos, muslims etc. who wanted to tell you that they were not the villains you think they are. You did not, and now you want these people to extend to you what you would not give to them. Hmm.
You have the right to free speech. You don’t have the right to the consequences of said speech. You don’t have the right to be coddled by society, given a pass where others are not, etc. I’m not supporting the outing btw. I’m not sure what it will accomplish in the long run, except to get white people even more fired…
Your dad sounds like such a wonderful person. His humanity comes through in your writing too. You inherited that legacy of joy and suffering, struggle and triumph. We all have, if not as directly. Now, we need to be that for ourselves so that someday, when the old heads are gone we can carry their torch and pass it…
Guy on the lower left is my favorite guy!
How are my feelings hurt? This is what white people don’t understand. It was never about my feelings. I have thick skin. My girlfriend’s mother is an actual racist. She’s called me a monkey to my face on many occasions and uses the word nigger around me. You know who I’m going to see later on today. My GF’s mom. I…
Look, I understand that literally nothing I say right now will get through to you because you are hurt, so I will not go on. But really, there is no narrative. There are problems that need to be addressed. There are people who get offended when we try to address these problems. Obviously you are one of them. So we…
How was that list of the whitest things white people say not supposed to expose white prejudice and racial stereotypes?
Okay but in neither of those examples was anyone called a racist so....