
On the whole yeah I think you’re right but I also think it depends on the community. Some places they are still shunned, some they are accepted, even celebrated.

and you’re missing a step with your own clown analogy, i.e. that by using second person ‘you’ she legitimates her reaction, that hers was normal.

Agreeing disagreeably lol. I like that. Yes I think we are.

No I saw that. I don’t think that my comment actually should be controversial to you because you seem to admit as much.

I’m just saying that whether or not he’s exciting to watch has nothing to do with whether or not he is the best.

Also, after trying to decipher this comment and thinking about what you might be trying to say, I realize that you are criticizing her unfairly, and that your understanding of language is quite limited. Second person plural is often used, not to generalize one’s own experience or to refer to one’s interlocutor, but as

If you’re gonna criticize someone’s writing at least check your own to make sure it makes sense. This comment is a disaster.

I know a lot of these guys actually stop if the manga is licensed. Shoujo manga particularly you see that a lot.

he is, and always was, a boring-ass fighter to watch.

Thank you, I appreciate you saying that.

Really?? I think Crash looks a lot better. I guess it really is perspective.

Have we considered that maybe these things aren’t black and white and that maybe there just isn’t exactly a term for this? Human beings are interesting because we can’t deal with thing we can’t clearly define and categorize and put into their little boxes we organize in our minds. Maybe this is an example of this.

If nothing else, this game has given us the gift of some really great cosplay.

I have also grown older and have less time to play games, but I still usually play on the toughest difficulty. It just takes me longer to beat the game, which is fine. But I find that if the difficulty is fair (or as I like to put it, if the game is challenging and not just frustrating) then it is a more tense and

Really? Maybe it’s just from my perspective but it’s the most thing I hear about these days. Yeah it’s a PC game. But its reach is not limited to that since it’s gotten especially big on Twitch and Youtube, and is, from what I hear from people, one of the best games to watch on that. It’s kind of like if Battle Royale

So that’s why this game has that terrible name. That makes it much less terrible now. Anyways, from mod to biggest game of the year, impressive!

You are DEF not alone. I loved her but then, I loved almost everyone. She seems to be love/hate though.

Fates is actually a great fire emblem game gameplay wise.

Oh I expect Ike and Lyn to be in this game. She’ll be a DLC character at least, for sure. Has to be.

But if feels like it’s just a series of chores, where you have to go fetch this, submit it for exp, and repeat.