It’s a good reminder: if you vote for Trump, you’re voting for racism. And misogyny. And homophobia.
It’s a good reminder: if you vote for Trump, you’re voting for racism. And misogyny. And homophobia.
“Now, Sir, I know you were stabbed but did you ever think to angle your body away from the knife? Perhaps mashing your ribs together so the blade couldn’t jam into your heart?”
More than ANYTHING, I’d need to have a really clear talk with my husband about the need for him to not dismiss and invalidate my upset feelings. That was really uncool and unfunny, and he really read your needs wrong on that one. You were upset and needed to feel safe and like he had your back, not further objectified…
Totally, totally off topic and I apologize for derailing this thread - I’m just so angry and hurt right now. Got sexually harassed at Wal-mart today by a man who followed me out of the store, to my car in the parking lot, proceeded to bully me for my phone number so we can be “friends,” completely didn’t care that I…
I’m just guessing by her name and whatever language this might be from a post she shared on Facebook:
Then she is an idiot.
Noooo Trump doesn’t incite violence, never where would she get that idea.
I remember a time when Eastern Europeans were not considered “White.” Ah America’s sliding goalposts.
Except if he’s not ‘a racists,’ who is? He has a history of discriminating against black people, he says horrible, hateful things every time he opens his mouth, and he follows and re-tweets white supremacists and went out of his way to avoid denouncing David Duke/the KKK.
Ironically, based on name alone, Trump probably wouldn't let her past the wall.
With an all-American girl-next-door name like Emirjeta Xhelili, I can see why she’d be suspicious of people that don’t seem to belong.
No clue what her background is, but with a name like Emirjeta Xhelili, I'm sure there are plenty of Trump supporters who would want her out of the country too.
He definitely is, it’s just not the cross burning robe wearing variety. His history with the his apartment buildings demonstrates that he is of the upper crust “we don’t associate with those people” variety that work to ensure their country clubs and fine dinning establishments are entirely white and that the only…
That was my immediate thought. Even if she’s a blue-eyed blonde, a name like that means she’s a furriner and belongs on the other side of a wall, right?
“no priors” and “white” are my 2 guesses.
Pretty sure a lot of her fellow TYumrp idiots would see the name “Emirjeta Xhelili” (Albanian perhaps? definitely not MURRCAN) and think she’s the one in the hijab
What does “America is the ark of Noah” even mean?
Jacqueline hates herself, which is why she’s constantly getting shit done to her face and body. People who don’t even like themselves can’t have healthy relationships with others. Jacqueline is the kind of “friend” who wants to know every detail in your life so she can go talk a ton of shit about you to other people…
If it makes you feel better it’s affectionate. Bravo devotes whole segments to her and the fan base loves her.