D. Skye

The difference between a sheathed pump and an unsheathed one is profound.  With the unsheathed, you can hear, feel and smell the escaping fumes rush by your hand.  Where do you think all of that is going?

And in actual use, it worked once. Did you not read the article and/or watched the video?

Cybertruck. Great vehicle, made in America the Cybertruck. Now they say it can be a boat, people say. Just last week people were saying electric cars and water don’t mix but now they are telling me Tesla figured it out. Great company Tesla. I’ve always been a fan of Tesla. Some people say I’m responsible for the

No it’s when a cybertruck owner tries to actually do some mild overlanding.

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all

This would at least be a faster way to go than dehydration from norovirus. 

If someone doesn’t care about it enough to get it registered, why would they give a fuck if you smashed it? And how does wrecking a dozen fully operational vehicles that’d probably get a couple of hundred dollars apiece at auction help the taxpayers?

I hate the waste. Ship them somewhere or have an online sale - if they show up again in the city, sell them AGAIN. 

Hope they removed the batteries first.

I used to take the bus home (i lived 5 miles away and my parents would drop me off in the AM)... and as an asthmatic these things were horrible to sit in.... one school year, the bus system fucked up and dint have my name on the roster to get home. so while they sorted that out, my parents dropped me off the next day

Add in the diesel exhaust students will not be breathing.

Seen 3 or so (same one, 2 or 3 times, who can tell?). They’re even wavier looking in person than I expected (maybe they’ll be identifiable by their panels’ particular waves, kind of like the unique markings on a whale). Looks like an old B-movie sci-fi prop—maybe one of those original Star Wars knockoffs—but not in a

When “it’s different” is the only redeeming quality of something, I can still hate it pretty easily. If you do the same thing with the blacked-out Silverado HD, ignore the people who drive them like a sedan and never for their abilities, the Silverado is and ugly, but useful vehicle. If you actually need to regularly

You’re assuming they weren’t on some sort of government assistance already!

That’s pretty wild to bad that site, at least in my browser, has shit formatting and either stretched or squished may of the pictures.

Considering how it’s a 34 year-old box that’s been around the world, has an aftermarket turbo installed, still has nothing-special performance, and there’s a warning about water leaks badly afflicting these A2s:

American Airlines’ contract of carriage does allow passengers to be removed if they smell bad, as it requires passengers to “be respectful that your odor isn’t offensive”

This is the GOP:

Today’s Republican party has lost the ability to plan ahead to make the country stronger positioned against the rest of the world.

If only the Vette had more organic curves like the 296 instead of looking like the angular mess it is.