And while the dealer is trying to make it right for Fredricks, he’s still out of $10,000 and a car.
And while the dealer is trying to make it right for Fredricks, he’s still out of $10,000 and a car.
If they are in your wilderness areas can they still be considered fake?
At least he’s guaranteed a role in David Zucker’s next spoof on liberals, right next to comedy powerhouse Kevin Sorbo.
Second time today I get to use this...
“You don’t get to tell me how I conduct myself”
Literally a crisis actor.
This guy might have been doing it just to make the video but I’m suspicious of the 2 other passengers that just decided to stand up and join him in solidarity. Any time I’ve been on a plane as it’s loading I just want everyone to sit the fuck down so they can shut the doors and we can take off and get to where we’re…
Something comes to mind, often actually, Those who are the most vocally opposed to “govnmint” are often those who. without the ongoing social contracts that government (in its many forms) strive to enforce would have ceased to be some years before they become an embarrassing spectacle on the interweb.
<“Your rights end where mine begin. You don’t get to tell me how I conduct myself,” Jenne said.>
Ooh and a "Brandon" t-shirt. So edgy and clever!
You have it exactly backwards, buddy - *your* rights end where *others’* begin, particularly when it comes to being protected from unnecessary exposure to transmissible diseases.
He’s so close, yet SOOOOOO far away. Like, he understands the basic concept that right can’t possibly be absolute, so that’s a start. But he completely misses the fact that this means that his rights can’t possible be absolute also!
Hey everybody, look at the professional victim over here! I’m going to intentionally interpret a rule in an obtuse fashion, and then act like the people charged with enforcing said rule are the unintelligent and unreasonable ones! All while wearing a shirt emblazoned with the super secret F word *giggle giggle*,…
Awesome, now Apple can use that to track my phone as well!
This feels like a place where a governor should step in and commute the sentence to fix the immediate issue, then longer term lets work on the law, minimum sentences have a number of issues associated with them
I’m honesty surprised how quickly the aftermarket jumps on this shit.
In a John Oliver voice: “That wiper, quite literally, fucks”
Texas, huh? Would have guessed Florida.
This seems like an odd answer to me. Sure stainless steel does not take paint well but if you just want to make it non reflecting then brushed satin finish is the way to go.