D. Skye

“Haha, I’m a thief, isn’t that so funny guys?”

Most other treadmills have a guard on the bottom though that covers the bottom portion of the belt. And you know, another guard so a child or pet doesnt get sucked under the machine. Its like if someone tried to build a car today without seat belts. It made no fucking sense from the get go

The problem is that a child or pet can be sucked underneath and be seriously or fatally injured. The gap between the back of the treadmill and the floor is large enough for a toddler’s head to go underneath. The treadmill I have has a bar between the back legs and is lower to the floor, so that can’t happen.

There’s a lot to like. Having a tire with some sidewall is great. Cool fabric on the seats, and I like the highlights and the color a lot.  May be a customer.

Count me in on liking it

I like it

Wow. Wrong.

The window sticker indicates that this car was $18,210 in 2001 money, or about $27,546 today.

From the description, this car “drives great”

ND Once again we are presented with a car that’s rare, well kept and has low mileage; but nobody gives a flying flick for it. These were forgettable in the 90s, why would it be collectible now?

They’re just hiding.

Space is also really old and we’ve only been looking for what 60-80 years at this point for radio signals which does seem like a fairly primitive way to send info for advanced civilizations. Still the Universe is about 13.8 billion years old so maybe other civilizations rose up, collapsed and turned into dust before

What exactly is far-right? Don’t know about over there, but here in the US, it means that anyone who is not woke”

I’ve personally seen what Portland has become”

You’ll be a happier, more well rounded person a few weeks after you stop sucking on whichever propaganda teet made you this fucking stupid.

Obviously that was a far-right account reposting gas station footage and had no affiliation with the actual people in the video!

So in your view, people are either woke or far-right? Either liberals or Nazis, no in between?  Sounds like you’re really ignorant.

Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.

This would be a cool bit of kit... if it was on a Miata platform.