D. Skye

What’s amazing is this clown was looking at his phone while DRIVING AT NIGHT which is doubly egregious because he couldn’t see the road at all.

I mean, the risk and consequence was the same on the previous and subsequent run.  The only thing that changed was the colour of their underpants.

On the other hand, his underpants could not be saved.

For a while though they really were everywhere, and they looked a lot like that sketch and also like the Ariya.

Bud, that sketch is a perfect carbon copy of the first gen Murano, almost exact but cartoony.  Also when the first Murano was buzzing around the streets it looked like nothing else out there.  Nissan succeeded hugely with that vehicle, basically the template for many CUVs that came after it.

Hmm, not bad Nissan. I’m just happy they finally have a decent brand identity they’re sticking with.

Yeah, this shit is utterly ridiculous. How is he not being charged with Vehicular Manslaughter?

Since criminal charges went nowhere, I hope he is slapped with a civil suit that completely ruins him.

New USPS spokesperson:

I think important distinctions revolves around oppression/minority and choice.

I have a rule about never buying someone else’s deathtrap.

That has to be one of the fuglier ways to waste $200K.

In my dedication to older, usually compact and subcompact cars, I usually cite a general disregard for those who insist on all the latest safety features. Seatbelts and a wary eye ought to suffice, I usually say.

Yep. That’s my choice too.

Here’s a novel idea... how about putting it in a Civic? I mean, one that wasn’t designed by a 10-year-old...

He should have called...

Easy fix.

Israel space laser...

I think one of the problems with being a 53 year old on this site is actually remembering when shitboxes like this one came out.  They were shitboxes then, too.  I do not recall anyone thinking that the world needed a Chrysler/Maserati collaboration and we were right.  It didn’t.  NO DICE at any price.  Some things

One side literally just stormed the US capitol, erected gallows, and threatened to hang politicians. So no, I have zero desire for unity with anyone who supported that, and the fact that we still have politicians who defend it is disgusting.