D. Skye

I imagine there are some pro animal rights people that are staunchly against this. PETA comes to mind as a group that likely opposes it (I haven’t bothered to check their stance on the subject).

I think it sounds pretty great, assuming the animals are raised and dispatched with with care for their comfort. 

Bamboo isn’t a tree, it’s a grass. 

Yeah, that’s not a side effect of weed and is an excellent example of one small shitty facet of the myriad problems prohibition can cause.

I agree with all of that. The original is great, the US version is good. I think the BBC version has more subtlety and nuance. 

Tobacco smoke and the way it negatively affects the health of the non-smokers with no choice to inhale their second hand smoke is very different than a person harming themselves by spending too much time online. We have strong (maybe not strong enough) laws to punish alcohol misuse.

Everything you mentioned aside from

They’re pretty well universally loved here on the Oregon coast. They save lives all of the time here while putting themselves at great risk. 

I’ve got to wonder how much tax would be effective though. Here in Oregon where I live the tax on cigarettes is pretty high at $3.33 per pack and I still frequently find myself choking on some assholes secondhand smoke when I’m outdoors. I also get to see cigarette butts thrown carelessly every god damn place. 

I think

Maybe you’ve been living under a rock, but there are way more ways for an adult to use cannabis than smoking it.

You can’t be serious in comparing tobacco and cannabis, they’re nothing alike in their effects and their ability to cause addiction.

It sounds like you’ve bought into a strange narrative where tobacco is harmless unless it’s got additives. That’s just not true. Nicotine is highly addictive whether it’s in tobacco with other additives or not. Inhaling tobacco smoke free of additives can absolutely lead to addiction and the myriad negative health

Thanks for the chuckle.

That’s some grad A bullshit there. Chugging the Kool-Aid hard.

Well that may have been a bad example, but does nothing to refute or even address my point, which is that police chases (especially high speed ones) are inherently dangerous and unlikely worth the risk they put the public in. 

That’s a nutty cost per kw. Any idea if it’s a result of scale? The Wyoming plant is described as producing less than 500 kw of capacity. I haven’t read much on these newer salt cooled reactors and I’d hope that they’re genuinely much safer than the plants we’re currently running in the US. 


Are you implying that a police chase would have made for a safer situation? Do you think this guy would have decided to say fuck it and I guess I’ll pull over? No way that would have happened. Instead there’d have been two cars driving at ridiculous speeds through a neighborhood.

Maybe I misunderstand you. That said

That and/or money needed laundering. “Art” is perhaps one of the better ways to clean money.

Yeah, I’m getting money laundering vibes from this monstrosity. 

Blech, that thing is like someone challenged Toyota to make their own version of the Pontiac Aztek. What an ugly eyesore. 

That’s true, but he died after the episode ended...

I’ll consider your opinion if you back it up with some verifiable facts. Manchin has proven himself to be an obstreperous sack of shit at best in most of his votes that I’m aware of. Seems like an archetypical tv style double agent. Dino.