D. Skye

Seems possible to me, but I’m no expert. It also seems possible to me that it’s from a later smaller impact with a large asteroid with a glancing blow.

I wonder how feasible it would be to intercept it with a spacecraft to image it in detail. 

Flying one of these would be no more difficult than flying a modern drone like a DJI Mavic or the like. The computer does all of the heavy lifting to keep the craft level and you just tell it which direction to point and travel and at what rate. I expect most people would be able to get the hang of it within an hour

That is an abomination and should be scrapped. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

So you can see the full list of slides without having to click the link to scroll down to find out if someone has posted a list? Either way, I’m sure plenty of people appreciate you taking the time to post the list in the comments, even though they have to click just as much and scroll more than if they had just

There’s a button at the top of the post to show all the slides:

Looking forward to watching a few of these. They seem like solid recommendations. I think the slideshow format is perfect for this kind of post. Going full-screen with YouTube embeds causes me to lose my place on the page when I exit full-screen. This prevents that from being an issue. 

It’s expensive enough that I’d probably build my own replica that looks even better. I’m handy at that sort of thing though and have the tools to do it if I really wanted to. For someone less skilled and tool rich this seems like a pretty fair deal, considering the time it would take to replicate it from scratch. I

Belief in one possibility doesn’t preclude the disbelief in another possibility. Does some consciousness exist that’s formed from collective subatomic vibration of all of the energy in the cosmos? Maybe. If it does exist it surely gives no fucks about you or I or any of the things that have happened on this planet or

I’d do the same. I’m no fan of getting jabs, but if it’ll save me from a painful, miserable death I’ll get them asap despite the cost. Apparently insurance covers the series and States cover the cost for uninsured folks.

Nah, it’s interesting. It would be much more interesting though if it had some insight into why the man declined medical treatment. Could he not afford it? Did he fear needles so much that it prevented him from getting treatment? Did he have nothing left to live for? Was he a recent anti-vax convert and did that

It’s an absolutely nice price, if they include about $15K in gold with the purchase.

These aren’t for tobacco vaping, they’re for weed extract cartridges. I’ve seen no data to associate vaporizing weed extract and any form of cancer.

These aren’t for tobacco vaping, they’re for weed extract cartridges. I’ve seen no data to associate vaporizing weed

I’ve never heard of popcorn lung from vaping legitimate weed concentrates from cartridges. They’re just THC and terpenes, at least here in Oregon. I also haven’t heard of any vaping related popcorn lung in years too. Not sure if manufactures have stopped using the offending additives or what. I do recall a news cycle

I’ve never heard of popcorn lung from vaping legitimate weed concentrates from cartridges. They’re just THC and

There are good cops: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/09/08/fake-vaccination-cards-vermont-troopers/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F349d0ca%2F6138e30e9d2fda9bb7b949f3%2F59a5ee7bade4e25353ac5d71%2F45%2F

Not all cops are bad. It’s tough to find stories to prove it, but this one does https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/09/08/fake-vaccination-cards-vermont-troopers/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F349d0ca%2F

“marijuana” is a racist term from the post alcohol prohibition era when the police unions and other groups were trying to figure out how they were going to stay in business when alcohol was legal again. “Weed” has been used commonly by a vast swath of people that enjoy it and don’t feel inclined to perpetuate racist

8,600 people put in direct risk of serious health consequences up to and including a painful, shitty, miserable death. I don’t math well, but those 8,600 could certainly be vectors for a far greater death toll. The woman may have caused deaths (presently or in the future) from her direct and willful actions (if

Now that is a documentary I want to see.

I appreciate reading your experiences with us. I find it helpful to be able to put myself in someone else’s shoes and your sharing helps me (and others too I hope) learn some compassion for those different than the normal. I’m glad you’re (relatively) well despite being fat. Better fat and healthy than skinny and

I don’t have nor have ever owned more than one fish (a Beta) so I can’t say for sure, but I’ve had friends that loved watching their fish go about their fishy ways doing fishy things. Goldfish though? I mean they can be beautiful so there’s that. They can also look like some pretty messed up mutants so...