D. Skye

These aren’t for tobacco vaping, they’re for weed extract cartridges. I’ve seen no data to associate vaporizing weed extract and any form of cancer.

These aren’t for tobacco vaping, they’re for weed extract cartridges. I’ve seen no data to associate vaporizing weed

I’ve never heard of popcorn lung from vaping legitimate weed concentrates from cartridges. They’re just THC and terpenes, at least here in Oregon. I also haven’t heard of any vaping related popcorn lung in years too. Not sure if manufactures have stopped using the offending additives or what. I do recall a news cycle

I’ve never heard of popcorn lung from vaping legitimate weed concentrates from cartridges. They’re just THC and

There are good cops: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/09/08/fake-vaccination-cards-vermont-troopers/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F349d0ca%2F6138e30e9d2fda9bb7b949f3%2F59a5ee7bade4e25353ac5d71%2F45%2F

Not all cops are bad. It’s tough to find stories to prove it, but this one does https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/09/08/fake-vaccination-cards-vermont-troopers/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F349d0ca%2F

That looks a lot like a 75% scale of the last Supra. I think I like it. Glad they gave it more beans. I’d consider this over a Miata if the price is right. 

I literally nearly died twice riding in one of these that my dad bought when I was about 10. He took us for a ride down highway 101 on the Oregon coast the first day he bought it. It had been a dream of his to own an old Willy’s jeep. A safety check wasn’t considered before loading me, my two younger brothers and our

Nah, that looks like ass. Incohesive hot garbage.

It would have been nice to see the entire car in a 3/4 view front and back. I really can’t tell what the overall shape is from the photos. 

I like the Tucson headlight array, but I imagine buffing out the yellow film that will eventually form on them will be a pain in the butt compared to regular headlights. 

Well, a little murder and suicide never stopped some parents.

That thing is so very far from pristine. I don’t gaf about what the odometer says. It’s nasty. 

It takes up more parking space than a minivan, but holds far less, is slower and much worse on gas. Plus it looks like something you’re required to drive 15 under the posted speed. No dice, at any price. 

I suppose that’s a lame attempt at humor. Very funny motherfucker, very funny. 

Someone in the comments here or maybe Gizmodo suggested using uBlock Origins to make the Gawker Media sites usable. I can confirm that the ridiculous and awful ad problems here are gone after installing it. I suppose I feel a bit bad that I get the benefit of the content without helping their revenue, but not bad

I’d love to know why someone decided to name a concept car after mythical Hawaiian creatures that supposedly build cairns out of lava rocks. They’re kind of like the Hawaiian equivalent of leprechauns.

I can’t stand when people choose to massively slow down BEFORE getting into a turn lane when exiting the highway. The turn lanes are there so that fuckfaced idiots don’t HAVE to slow down the highway when exiting. 

I guess if you have to ask...

But seriously, I scanned the article again after reading it to see if I’d somehow missed that rather important detail. I also didn’t see anything in the way of specs other than 0-60 and other tidbits of trivia. 

It’s not sandpaper. Not even close. “magic eraser” is melamine foam. If you keep it wet and make sure no grit is on the glass, magic sponge will clean glass very well without streaks or scratches.

Rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol and water, no glycerin or glycerol (same thing). Pre-covid I could buy 99% isopropyl at my local supermarket (Fred Meyer aka Kroger).

Considering he’s rocking a Hitler mustache in the photos of his arrest it seems pretty clear who he idolizes...