D. Skye

There may be some merit to what you’ve written, but to me the Cybertruck looks ugly. It could have been designed with a similar highly angular style without the hideous proportions and displeasing angular junctions. 

I’d argue that it looks like it was modified by a 12 year old, not designed by one. 

Looks matter in every single physical thing we buy. The Cybertruck seems to have been designed with the intent to pare the shape down to the absolute minimum complexity. While it may have succeeded at that, it’s so so very ugly. It looks to me like it was designed by an untalented 12 year old. 

It still looks too much like it was made of wax and had a blow torch passed over it. Sad that Mazda moved away from their previous design language for the 3.

It’s season 17, Gabon. One of the better seasons IMO.

Nope. That’s just ass ugly. 

I suppose that’s true, but cars here on the coast (which is part of Oregon) do indeed rust pretty badly, as does pretty much any untreated steel item. A blanket statement that “cars don’t rust in Oregon” is just not true. I suppose that undercarriage rust will be much less here than where roads are salted though. 

Maybe not like in the rust belt, but here in Oregon we have the Pacific ocean along the entire west side of the state and I assure you cars rust here. 

It looks like something an 18 year old that won the lottery had “customized” to make it even “cooler”. God, all of the “enhanced” styling additions make it look cheap and kill what was in my opinion one of the prettiest and purest Ferrari designs ever. Crack pipe.

If I were a Christian this ad would be pretty offensive. A business claiming to have direct access to god would offend any Christian that was even remotely serious in their beliefs. GFY Genesys, I’m not Christian and I’m still offended by your stupid ad campaign. 

That manages to be even uglier than the Aztek.

Haha! If I’m butthurt then you must be buttdevastated. Carry on with your weak logic little fella. 

Are you really that thick headed? You are the one comparing a device that replaces a person, with things that are used by people.

No, I’ve recently moved here from a galaxy far far away, what is this “fire truck” you speak of?

A fire truck isn’t the same as this remote control firefighter. To compare them is disingenuous. I’m sure you’d think this device is but a wee thing if it was rolling over your body. “This puny thing is only half the

It is a colossus compared to the relatively tiny humans it’s directly replacing. Yeah it’s relatively small vs. other giant things, but it’s not replacing any of those other larger things. 

This thing weighs more than six average people. If YOU weigh more than six average people, I might call you a “colossus”.

Give him time, his little brain and fingers can only manage so much.

Try to imagine yourself sucking Trump’s dick less often. You’ll be a better person. 

Thank god it’s got electromagnetic brakes! Everyone that’s anyone knows how important they are when screaming along at 2.2 MPH!

Seriously though, this thing is pretty fucking cool.