I breezed through the article and had a good understanding of what I needed to do to get a refund. Not hard.
I breezed through the article and had a good understanding of what I needed to do to get a refund. Not hard.
Im 26 bro. relax with the baby boomer shit.
lazy millennial.
? its 1:1.33 right now?
Simple depreciation. Why would they pay you sticker for a used car?
Any city freeway is mostly empty at certain times. Your traffic problem is no different then anywhere else in the country. You are not special.
I like how our society gets more bent out of shape about this then car defects that are actually KILLING people, dead in the street. Oh and lets not mention the handful of other car companies caught with a defeat device type mechanism.
The difference is like .001 between a clean burning TDI and the affected ones. Some environmentalists think its a big deal. I don’t .
Its not hard to out launch a mustang ;). I don’t really care for Bridgestone expect for my blizzaks I have for winter use. Havent launched on them on dry pavement because they were so expensive. Ive stuck with the nittos because they wear really well IMO. much better then the 200 rating they have. going on summer #2…
They do well on AWD cars tho. I know mustang owners primarily put 2 on the rears but they hook up on my AWWD setup.
spot fucking on. I have NT05 on my VW R32 AND..... I have a collection of flat brim hats(MLB-on the field fitted)(not ghetto shit) AND I was in a frat.
Nitto NT05. what does that tell you?
RIGHT!?!?!?!!? - dbag.
I laughed when you said hes not a player to build around. As a Bulls fan who watches every basket, you are sorely mistaken. Paxson said its "everyones team, not Jimmy Butlers team." But they sure as hell are building around him u blind bat.
As a Chicago fan, Paxson said he wasn’t giving up Jimmy a few weeks ago in local news. don’t let false hype make u sad. hes here to stay.
Great fucking pick Bulls. Best upside of almost anyone in the draft overlooked as State left the dance early last year. Im happy about this.
you can see clearly how it happened. Passenger bumper hit boulder(see scratch) asshat turned the wheel right and the tire went right over the boulder and boom you have a stupid fucking jalopnik article. /thread.
Looks like a tuned 4 door family hatch to me. bleh.
My ass would never touch a peasant Kia seat so I would never know.