
There are actually two Ryan Murphys.

Ryan Gosling is next then.

Now, I wish it were.

It's too serious. There is no humor to be had in these lands.

I thought the same thing. The main people who shouldn't know now know.

Homer's Enemy.

I think you mean, Grimey.

This sandwich was delicious but it just didn't have the character development of Breaking Bad.

"that one song from "Highlander"", that's the only song from "Highlander".

That's still stupid. He basically took all of that kid's memories. It's not like Hiro was in his life for six months. One of his parents was completely erased from his mind. There would be huge gaps in his memory.

His Great-grandmother says it when they realize why Hiro's powers don't work.

"Whores don't get second chances."

That "What are THOSE!!!" was hilarious.

Am I McDuff?

Previous Avatars had been women so putting that in the show would have been crazy.

Once again, the plot of Assassin's Creed.

Hit her with the El Cabong.

Thanks, that's it.

No he said "What if Cosby finally lost it on stage and started saying crazy shit." Cosby once told him that he shouldn't be using foul language in his comedy. Eddie Murphy told Richard Pryor this and Pryor said "Fuck Bill Cosby".

I liked that Nathan didn't met up with her again as himself but as "Nathan" again.