
Assassin's Creed plot.

He likes waffles better than pancakes. I find it weird, at least it's not french toast though.

I give picking sides…6 stars.

That detective from the first season got his own show out of it too.


It's going to turn out that Chuck blew everyone up.

Nissan Versa!!!

Tangled is awesome.

Puberty hit him hard over the break then backed up to make sure it him again.


Like on Sailor Moon.

Damn, that's cold blooded.

They all look alike to me. Yeah, I said it.

Section 31 that shit.

Brian Benben sighting.

They changed her nose.

Shouldn't Veronica know what Colic is since she is/was a nurse or something?

I've had the Switched at Birth subreddit for a couple seasons because it was dead. It's not a big sub, only 300+ subscribers. I know plenty of people dislike the website but that might be a good place to go.

Man, I really hate Daphne.

No, the internet has been all about Cosby jokes for about a month now.