

There would be significant environmental disasters.

Maybe they either didn't want to come back, didn't make it to civilization when they arrived and died, didn't bother to look for the physicist like Nora did, or couldn't find the guy. Nora did say it took her a long time to make it back to Mapleton and then she said it also took her a long time to find the physicist.

He has glowing target on his chest.

Justice was served.

That 24-esque ending was hilarious.

Roose needed her to produce an heir first.

He didn't grow from it all. He didn't help her afterwards either. It wasn't until Sansa saved herself from Ramsey's girlfriend that Theon finally snapped out of his brainwashing.

Bernard has been analyzing her since the first episode. Since having sex was her idea, he has had even more of an opportunity to get to know more about her and her body.

They said in the first episode that they rotate the staff out. So it wouldn't be hard for Ford to insert Bernard into that rotation.

Deep down, everyone knows these androids are Patty Spivot.

That wasn't "Montague" that was "Nathan Wielder".

Yeah, that book was terrible. I read it last summer and about half way through I realize nothing was actually happening but the main character running in the woods. I even skimmed a good amount of pages and wound up with him still in the woods, having missed nothing.

But did they "skewer" it though?

Then nude queen.

Just waiting for the Night's King to go to King's Landing and tell Tommen he'll leave everyone for a blow job.

They were in Sue's car.

Next season we find out his name is Kenny.

This is bad. I didn't want it to be but here we are.

This network airs "Little Women: Atlanta".