
The entire business model at those places is based on people defaulting, so they can repo the car and sell it again.  Friend found a car he actually liked on a BHPH lot (don’t remember the details), and was told flat-out that they would ONLY finance it, and would NOT just take a bank check for the full purchase price. 

At 0% APR, I’d happily sign up for a 1000 month loan.  

Except discretionary enforcement of the law happens all the time. Every time you pass a cop while going 58 in a 55 zone, that’s discretionary enforcement. Now, if 100% of the drivers the cop pulls over for going 58 are black, and 90% of the drivers in the area are white, that’s a problem.  

“Who the fuck was being damaged by this?”

Except in NYC, women are the overwhelming majority of both people and workers.

By that token, we don’t need elevators, washing machines, or electric saws.  

If I could buy dividend stocks with my 401k money I could retire a lot sooner.

While I generally agree with the point of the article, a couple of these points are questionable, at best.

“I stream using Netflix through my blu-ray player(!)“

I didn’t say anything of the sort.  I totally understand their complaint, and, in their shoes, I’d feel the same way.  I was just making the point that enforcing the law against the method they used to demonstrate isn’t a 1st amendment violation, unless they can show that either the law itself, or the enforcement of

I wasn’t clear - point I was making is that a bar on trucks driving around making extremely loud noises through loudspeakers is a perfectly reasonable time/place/manner restriction, so long as the town didn’t apply the law differently depending on the content of the noise.  

If they had allowed someone driving through town making noise at the same volume in support of the planes, then you’d have a claim.  They didn’t, and you don’t. 

Kobe “I swear, the adultery was consensual” Bryant

Wow, this is a dumb take, even from the bigot crowd. A German guy invented movable type, so why are there so many damn English people in books?

It’s not HIS basement, it’s his MOM’S. 

That’s a very valid, logical point, which puts it far over the heads of the target market for the site.  

Interesting - I had thought that you needed to qualify as a resident to get a residential zone endorsement on your sticker.  Guess not.  

He’s a cop, on duty.  Which means he should be held to a HIGHER standard than the general population, because of the power we’ve given him and he’s accepted.  

Wait, you were able to get a resident parking sticker for a vehicle not registered in Chicago?  I’m really surprised to hear that.

Instead of two free throws, should be choice of two free throws, or one free throw and possession.