
Winter is coming.....

The ideal way to think about this is not only the ship types and their in game cost (player driven economy) but also, each ship == 1 person. so if 350 of anything is on the field, it typically is a 1-1 ship to person. try getting a FPS with 700 people battling it out on one grid.....

This is EXACTLY why casinos display the last 24 or so roulette numbers. The board being the pretty bluish light before the ZAP.

Not nearly as odd to me that there is a journal of Drug testing and analysis.

Try not to over think it dude.

Looks like a hot glue gun with colored glue. Just sayin.

awesome ! I'm on it

If this were a real t-shirt. I'd buy it.

I'm trading my C5 in this summer for a C7, but depending on the pricing I may just bite the bullet and wait for the Z06. I would say wait for a ZR-1 but honestly, I'd drive it way too fast constantly, there by increasing my chance for death or wearing an orange jumpsuit.

Oh I agree. I was once asked if I would purchase a Tesla Model S...to which I replied, nice car, but If I'm spending 70-100K, I've got other cars on my mind. :)

Guessing this beast will be going for about 100K.....

The world is falling apart all around us and this possibly made up conspiracy gets people all spun up....Wow, we as a species really care about the stupidest things. In two weeks to a month, these will be tossed out from even Dr's offices so on the scale of what matters.....not even registering.

Is it me or is anyone else amazed at all the furnishings left behind in these abandoned buildings ? I know some people bring stuff back in as they use these places to hang out, but alot of the stuff seems original.

+100 I see what you did there.

I smell more patent lawsuits, or just plain lawsuits.......Neat table however.

I guess I am failing to see how this can be lethal. At close range I can see it being a mess, but I would think that farther away this will lose energy quite quickly. Not that I would want to get hit with this. But I would fathom that holding a stout tree branch in front of you would pretty much shut it down.

MY thoughts EXACTLY. Might at well say, "In the face of a great disaster, people will suffer in may ways." or "Study shows people in Montana largely unaffected by Coastal flooding."

Yeah, wireless internet, because texting and driving is bad, so now lets hand people facebook or candy crush saga in their automobiles.

Yeah it gets pretty scary. I remember the first time I home brewed I kept thinking....I am going to drink this 'stuff'......Then a month in the secondary with some polyclar and wala.....clear beer. :)