
Actually what you're feeling with hot sauce is your brain not understanding how to react to all your tastebuds firing at one time so it just simply goes... HOT ! Alton Brown did I really great show on it. Worth checking out.

I agree with this. It is sad to think this is acceptable to the majority of Giz readers. As a law abiding citizen I have nothing to hide......but I also have nothing to share.

No such thing as bad publicity.

Lets send Bilbo in first.

In the Ian Fleming stories you need a "double O"

I miss my old Amiga ! I had a 2K , and then a 4K. A machine ahead of its time.

I just can't believe this is an effort to get a game console. I don't understand the need to be the first one to have one. In a month or so, these things will be ample supply and you won't have to worry about being trampled to get one.

I think people are way to sensitive. It's impossible to say anything and not offend someone, the only difference is if you're in the social media spotlight or not. I read the story and thought, I wish I could have the last 5 minutes of my life back. This kind of thing is not worth getting upset over. Make that 10

I also had this beer. While it is more of a barley wine than beer, it is quite good. If you like this try the Infinium. Great Beer !

Bitcoin.....the 100% traceable currency. Makes you wonder who the 'mystery coder' of it really is. Much like stuxnet.........


Yeah because it doesn't matter about how good a leader they would be, it just matters if they're 'fun'. I personally think that shouting at a congressional hearing to cover up the Bengazi issue is just the tip of an crazy big iceberg that would be Hillary as president. Fun wouldn't be word I would describe these

Friction. Bicycle tires are not mfg for speed like that.

Surprising isn't it. I think the main difference in this show _vs_ BBC Top Gear, is this show lacks honesty. Just the way in America, if they railed on an auto like Jeremy Clarkson in an honest review that was negative; They would get sued. I did have high hopes for this show, but to no avail. Just glad there is BBC

Yeah this show is mostly made up of positive comments toward vehicles given to the show. With some attempts at comic relief in between. Would be interesting to hear a bad review once in a while, but then History Channel might get sued. Especially if they talked down a Tesla.

This was my favorite childhood band.

Exactly. Just shows how ignorant people choose to be when they are so biased.

I disagree that this is not an epidemic

Love love love love this show. been a fan since the pilot !