
He looks alot like Robert Downey Jr. in the top pic. Awesome designer !

Not surprising, many oils heat up as they cure and can ignite. I am thinking this may have been the case here. Lots of oily rags, all bunched up.

Well any money over his expenses, including his mortgage is profit. Kinda like any money left over in your paycheck after paying you bills/expenses is savings/spending. Quite simple actually.

This article is just proof we're WAY to over sensitive in this day and age. Just wow.

I don't think she needs to apologize to anyone. She took the time to get into shape after three children and looks amazing, well good for her. As for anyone offended....get over it. The truth offends people, and perhaps she is on to something. Sure there are medical reasons why some people are overweight, but I bet

The best part is, the Titans pictured above, are one person ships. Just a pilot. No crew.

I know right ! :)

Hopefully they got paid for this awesomeness !

Would you feel the same if they mandated installation of an aquarium ?

Have you driven americas highways ? LOL. There is more crap in the road than anywhere else I've been. True story, I was driving the beltway where I live quite a few years ago. I had a 69 roadrunner at the time. I look ahead and I am like "What is that in the road?" Traffic to the right of me, barrier to the left, so

Easy the one 'mystery' character left in Firefly. You know the Tams, Kaylee, Wash and Chloe, and of course Malcom. But So much of this character was left undefined.

Oh I am not only annoyed with her, but also disgusted at him.

I'm not defending the guys actions at all, but honestly why even say anything to him ? Clearly he was already an agitated person. What happened to common sense here. I hope he get what's coming to him. But sometimes it's just better to leave an opinion to yourself or twitter. Do people think they can poke a agitated

I am not saying America has more in common with Africa. I am also not saying they have more in common with the UK. I am just saying you can't say people will not be able to get weapons if they are outlawed. It is not that simple. If it were everyone would be not only inclined but obligated to do so. But the absence of

The flaw in your logic is that someone would show a firearm in a place where sale and ownership are illegal. So that point is moot. And to think the US is the ONLY country producing firearms ? Sig Sauer, HK, Beretta.... There are SO many countries where the people are disarmed and the gun violence is not only prolific

Because they get revenue from registering vehicles. Pretty much everyone owns a car, but not everyone owns a firearm. so the $$$ stream is higher.

Why does it matter about earth hour ? Are you just trying to make someone offended ? These are battery operated devices. BY turning off their lights, they are only conserving their battery life. And once they're down, they are going to be charging away.......And earth hour ? Wow..........I have no words......

Salad with dressing. The dressing is the problem not the lettuce. Acids and sugars and other ingredients in the dressing cause a degradation in the veggies.

And here I thought I was the only one who did this. I did the lunch bags not the sandwich bags. and I can relate to this by how much my kids liked it. Sometimes I would get scissors and cut an 'extra' napkin into a shape like a train for my son or a heart for my daughter. Very cool indeed ! Good on you !