
It isn't irreversible, it is unstoppable. It is a natural function that would be occurring if humans were here or not. And what exactly is the normal climate supposed to be if we were to reverse it? No one knows.

This was my face while reading your comment:

Having lived in Rhode Island for six months, it sometimes felt as if they did.

Nope. Give me buttons and knobs that I can use without looking at, not a touchscreen that I have to look away from the road for several seconds just to accomplish a simple task.

Why is it that the response to anything by Democrats is to have less of what you need?

Fear mongering. Move along.

So now can we admit that this type of climate cycle has existed before and will exist again and there is nothing that our species can do to abate or control it?

For fuck's sake Casey, did you not study geometry?

This is stupid. The essence of "property" is that it is alienable. The essence of "rights" defined in the Constitution is that they are inalienable. You prefer a world where people can sell themselves or others into slavery?

Excellent! If I only had time to watch one single TV channel for more than 60 minutes a day...

Notice anyone that challenges the BS GlobalWarming scam don't get seen without hitting the "additional comments" button.

Please be the C4s, please be the C4s!

You can find statistically outlying examples to support almost any wacky point of view.

Try to avoid false dilemmas.

People should to be FUCKING FURIOUS about this Orwellian / Nazi stuff, yet they joke about their cat pictures and pron.
-Sent from my iPhone
