
"Well, good luck to all you confused bigots..."

BTW these aren't matching Corvettes, just similar color. And to think this is a car blog.

I have to agree here, In my opinion this is no different than speeding. Sure it's a faster acceleration when it comes to it. But in the end, it is just speeding. Poor decision, yes. Chance of hurting someone else, yes. Compare this to and it's fairly tame. Coulda, shoulda woulda.

Having watch a couple of Bourdain's shows, I would think he could come up with something better than these tweets. I mean semen on the dash ? What's next farts ? I think Cadillac could afford someone MUCH more mainstream to plug their cars if they wanted to. I am pretty sure this was Travel Channel's doing. And as you

Ahhh America, just a nation of children.

http://youtu.be/39114507 I knocked that Hobbit's d*$k off yo.

Wow I sense alot of iFear from the fanboys.

"Anyone who has been praying, weeping, and hoping for a Windows Phone that's every bit as powerful and terrific as the iPhone 5 and top Android handsets."

This was my first thought. Heck I wouldn't take one if they handed it out with a 100$ bill wrapped around it.

Yep. That's how the world turns. But you will be VERY unpopular here with this kind of blasphmey. Which I completely agree with you BTW. Prepare to be called alot of things starting with uneducated.

Just wait, ATT only has a 6 month lock on the lumia 920. They announced on WPcentral.

But now the folks living in the area have reduced UTI's because of cranberry juice in the well water.

I can see a market in Faraday line of clothing.