
Don't buy it because if you were over on WP central you would have seen the sexiness that is the lumia tablet reported to be hitting the FCC for approval. :) Like a big oversized lumia in all it's sexiness !

Biggest problem is what if you ran into Magneto. I just remember how he killed that guard.......

I agree with the invention part of your post. But what amuses me most, is the FBI using the work 'attack' to justify the positions. Yeah it's stupid and people who do so are morons. I wonder how often this is happening.

OMG I am so tired of hearing about copyright/intellectual property/patent infringement issues. We've gone quite a bit overboard. It's like a bunch of school kids.

Why the iPhone first came out, I believe it was exclusive wasn't it ? If so seemed to work out pretty well for them.

I am sure this will be a temporary 'exclusive', I am glad I have ATT, I will be getting this phone for sure. Heck I switched from sprint to ATT just for the lumia 900 ! Can't wait.

I think he just figured he has the election in the bag so this debate is/was a waste of his time.

Ok this needs to go into a full length movie, the folks need to get a kickstarter going. I have to say I enjoyed this short.

Veyron _vs_ Hennessey.....STOCK _VS_ PERFORMANCE ENHANCED. like boasting having a 2 hour boner because you took Viagra _vs_ someone who just got it up all natural.

Yeah systems can be a pain....but then you get a few of the Festool products in their system and you realize how good a system can be.

You can shellac a turd and make it all shiny.... and tell us it's not a turd. But we all know.....it's a turd.

What a cute puppy ! Seriously, who cares, it is a PHONE ! Why make the dog out to be the 'badguy' ? Guess what....As long as the factory staff aren't rioting or killing themselves, they're gonna make more. One thing you can count on is a dog being a dog. Labs chew, it's what they do. Or perhaps this is a

Or perhaps something that uses methane for fuel, could run forever !

I love misFits is coming to US TV, too bad I've seen all the episodes on Hulu. Great show.

Yeah I'm so tired of life being such a contest. Man _vs_ woman, straight _vs_ gay, christian _vs_ athiest.......But as long a people continue to make it one there will be winners and there will be losers (people who feel slighted) Too bad people just aren't happy with themselves, and they need some external entity to