
If you love something, you cannot be a judge of its value or beauty.

Top Gear without them or when one of the decides not to renew, will be over. It will be next to impossible to duplicate the chemistry and wit of these three in such a symbosis.

Two words: Nokia Maps.

How is an aging barrel not ? It wouldn't be Old no. 7 without it. Gadgets don't always have to be made of silicon. Just something that does something cool. I think this falls right in there.

I wonder what the song was? And OMG all the trucks travelling that road !

Yep, these are all the 'right' reasons to vote anyone into office, race and religon. Le sigh....Lets just hope the voters pick who will be able to run best run the country regardless of race or religion or gender.

Love a car with 'junk in the trunk' Not a fan of porsche, but ohhh la la.

I dislike the use of doomsday in ref to the internet being down. Yeah I know alot goes on there....blah blah blah.....But seriously doomsday ? When I think doomsday I'm thinking huge asteroid impact not I can't tweet.

Best thing, hope the police never find it. I had a car stolen once, filed police report etc etc all right stuff. The police found it after 27 days, (insurance company was about to pay it off) the car had been rode hard and put away wet-so to speak. The insurance company took almost 35 days to autorize the care to be

Yeah but you can't pick an choose which portion of her to like. She was who she was as a WHOLE person regardless of her sexuality. You can't simply 'we'll ignore this' and focus on the fact she was openly gay?!

I don't know they have to re-invent, but I think if you want someone to upgrade, from a fully functioning phone to a newer phone of the same mfg (especially when the look and feel is the same) you need to do something to say, "come along......I have a treat for you." Kind of like what Nokia did with the 920 _vs_ the

My first thoughts too.

Yeah Lumia 920.

And if you do you will most likely get 10 years for it if you get caught. LOL

Are we to really believe there are that many criminals roaming about that the FBI needs to scan every face walking down the street ? Does anyone believe this ? I mean seriously. Sadly those who don't care will care when they realize their every movement or action is logged in a camera. Get a little amorous with your

I LOVE how everyone is all about the camera.....you do realize it is a PHONE right ? Even if the camera is semi awesome, I'd just to like to know how it functions as a phone. I have an slr if I want amazing pictures. I will buy this because it is a great phone. And I love the styling of it. (900 owner already)

I have a 900, and I will be switching to a 920 as soon as it's available. Easy peasy.