
If they aren't breaking any laws, and they choose to live like this why demonize them and their lifestyle ? Who gives someone else the right to say someone is wrong because they want to embrace a different lifestyle. Doesn't work for you, so it is bad? Embraces old ideals, so it's bad ? If they are not breaking the

This is the main reason I believe our system is failing so dreadfully. People just don't take an interest in the political agendas of our candidates. They would rather get the information reported to them than watch it themselves and make up their own mind. And some just vote party lines which is even sadder. Listen

Thanks for bringing this up. I still the my originals of both of those stored in the attic. Funny how I held on to them. I used to call them 3 books in a box. :)

Er phone.

LOVE my lumia 900, and I am sure if they build the 920 with the same standards as the 900 in build quality, I will be upgrading to a 920. I am not a windows fan, but I have to say....I love WP. in my opinion best windows OS yet.

But if something is working, and doesn't need a security patch. Why update ? just for the sake of updating so it feels like something new ? I would rather have an OS update that added more functionality or made the user interface a little snazzier, once a year _vs_ updating for some BS reason that has me looking for

See this I have a problem with this. When you pay for something and especially when it's pricey like iphones and such. You have to abide by the manufacturers rules? YOU BOUGHT IT ! IT'S YOURS !

I call it shelving. Like throwing a ball up higher so it can land on a shelf where you want ed it in the first place.

The symptom is gun violence. In my opinion the problem goes much deeper. But remember, bad people do bad things. Blaming a gun for violence is like blaming a spoon or extra large soft drinks for making people fat. People are held accountable for their actions.

#egrep, perl, awk, sed.

'Inittab' *freaking autocorrect*

Even more so if it is in the unit tab. :-)

All my FB friends are real life friends. So if I was unfriended it would happen to my face. So really if I friended someone simply because we went to the same high school a zillion years ago and that person unfriended me. I couldn't care less, that is if I even noticed.

I think if you took out all the duplicate apps in both stores, it would be alot less. (actually the MS App store too) I mean how many flashlight apps until you have enough. :)

Help uncle sam, save us from ourselves. When on earth will people be accountable for their stupidity and not have to legislate common sense.

cool thing is parachute means significant atmo. For some reason I thought it would be 'thinner'

Sweet ! Been waiting for the next season of Misfits !

I have to agree with this a bit. It seems these days, if you don't believe in any homosexual agenda, you are some sort of very bad person. Like you're not allowed to disagree. When did we become a nation that forced beliefs on other people. So they don't believe in gay marriage, they give money where their beliefs

I have to agree with you on the misuse of misogny. So many times I see someone who make a disparaging remark about a female and suddenly they are a woman hater. If I dislike someone, regardless if they are male or female, I dislike the person because of who they are, not what they are.