
my lumia (WP 7.5) only updated people who already didn't have an email address entered for them.

I agree with this 100%, there is only racism, And I think it is regardless of who has privilege. I'm so tired of the use of reverse racism. It alone implies 'whites' are racist. Too many terms to define the same situation, one person who is different from another, acts against the person based upon those differences.

I hear you and honestly I will not jump to LG and android, just me venting.


Oh I am informed. I just think we will be left high and dry like all those droid 2.2 users. Not quite sure what 'breaking your knee" means though.

AS a recent Lumia 900 owner (yeah I pre-ordered it) I am completely dismayed at this information. I can now understand why Nokia is in trouble. They and microsoft KNEW WP8 would be coming, but instead of releasing a phone what would be upgradeable as the flagship phone with WP. They gimped it. So disappointed. SO SO

"It was Aliens."


well said. Kinda like architecture in the 70's, seemed like a good idea at the time.

Shame ? A guilty mind needs no accusers. at no time did I assert or imply she should be shameful of her tattoos, I was stating an opinion, agree with it or not, either way I don't care. I was saying I don't get the idea behind her tattoos. Words scribbled across her arms in what seems disarray.

I didn't say I didn't like them, you inferred that from my statement. I was stating an opinion. I just said as she ages they will not maintain their clean lines, and how they are laid out and where they are, when they don't look so great I am thinking she will regret them.

I look forward to some of the task switching in WP8 over mango, it sucks sometimes that lync doesn't update and notify properly (also same behavior on my work droid phone too) so I look forward to that. But I am finding that Microsoft is putting quite a bit of effort into getting developers on board with excellent

Man at 30+ she's gonna regret those tattoos. I can honestly say I do not get the idea behind them. On a t-shirt maybe but wow. I guess hipsters in skinny jeans will need to start wearing hipster fanny packs to hold their telecommunicating obelisks.

Sure apps increase functionality. However I'd rather see lower numbers but more quality apps. Being a Lumia 900 owner, I will say this phone tops ANY droid device in quality and style, and in my opinion is toe to toe with the much beloved iPhone. Just because they are selling vertu and laying off more folks (which is

Funny thing is, I remember these same statements being said about android. Same as on iOS....I have recently developed for WP and I do have to say it is easy. I think the reason there isn't a huge upsurge of apps is simply it's 'too new' on the mobile market. But I think once windows 8 lands on the first tablet, this

That would be a problem.

Speaking on the whole terrorism/plane thing, I have to say, I honestly don't understand why terrorists go after planes anyway. I know they caused alot of destruction on 9/11 and such. But my point is more, what has it actually gotten them and their 'cause' ? Nothing, except alot of dead Iraqis and Afghans. Has anyone

What would be amazing is to enable bluetooth on it and when they put the dongle in the spouse/bf/fwb's computer, and all the fighting action would result in better vibrations. Then they would welcome that epic quest battle.

"She knew full well what she was at risk for when she decided to be belligerent."

I don't have a problem with the flip phones or any of the phones that were out or are NOT a droid or iphone. The problem I have is the cost of a flip phone WITH a contract. I have a friend who has a flip phone, he simply doesn't need and smartphone. He has a ipad, and he uses his phone, well as a phone. So he has a