'What astounds me about XCOM 2 is how often it’s not bullshit'
There’s been so much proactive wholesale dismissal of Sanders supporters since the BernieBro articles started. “Cue the BernieBros in three...two...” kind of comments. Which aren’t as openly vile as what some of the BernieBros have done, but are just as dismissive of open debate. The Democrats are in a strong position…
I don’t see it as being a far stretch of the imagination to see a President Clinton folding on something like, oh, I don’t know, defunding PP when Republicans inevitably hold the country hostage with a government shutdown. She’ll very logically explain that she would have liked to have fought for it, but she had to…
I just stepped away from a spat on the Nader post about the other day. There was some jaded idiot there to counter my “in 2016, you can’t say both parties are the same” with “man, they’re foolin’ you, man!”
Like how people were saying that gay marriage was an impossible dream just ten short years ago? Or hey, how everyone was just so damn sure that Obama wouldn’t get any sort of healthcare reform passed through. Totally impossible. I’m sure helping get my wife insurance through the ACA was just some kind of fever dream…
THIS. This need to be “practical” was the same line of reasoning used against voting for Obama.
Thank you for this! Berniebros are bad and sexist pricks, but people try to act like Hillary supporters don’t have any bad apples themselves. This condescending notion that young people are uninformed and will believe anything is ridiculous and insulting. Bernie supporters who believe that he can actually push through…
Preach, yo. At the end of the day, I look at the platforms of EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE and it’s laughable to be like “oh, yes, under you, you would GUARANTEE that this wouldn’t/would happen”. We get it. We should all get it. But when it comes down to it, I need the tenacity, optimism, and drive of somebody like Bernie…
I’m not a fan of the latter having any influence in Congress, but it stands to reason that she could use those connections to strongarm Congress into getting something done.
Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be…
Hahaha and this is my annoyance with Bernie supporters—because NO ONE can enact their agenda with a congress who is against them—which is why the ‘08 Obama-esque hero worship that is present in some of his supporters makes me nuts.
I feel like this Bernie/Hillary debate is neither here nor there because whichever one of them wins, none of us are voting in the general for the dude who is going to appoint four more Scalias anyway. Still, the debate is incredibly interesting to me, if only in how it contrasts with where we were eight and 12 years…
This one, from the original piece at the New Yorker, is almost unbelievable:
Certain young people have been trained to despise other young people by the entrenched centrist leadership of their sector (media, politics, consulting, data, whatever), and lots of writer/political people have revolving-door industry friends who would be employed by the Clinton apparatus. You can’t expect them to not…
This. I have yet to see anyone reasonably explain how a congress that wouldn’t work with Sanders would somehow play ball with Hillary, who is the embodiment of the two things they hate most: Clintons and women. Congress giving Hillary Clinton an inch on anything? Talk about pie in the sky, magic wand waving and…
A well-heeled person with a cushy six-figure job at a snotty magazine catering to rich people is shitting on people who support Sanders?
Color me shocked!
the outsized political hope that “youth” have before they realize that every politician is a shill, nobody with real values is actually electable, and also that God Is Dead.