I wonder with country he will flee to.
I wonder with country he will flee to.
Pardoning them doesn’t cover any state crimes they committed, and it means they can’t take the 5th to protect themselves or their accomplices.
Thanks. Autocorrected, I guess.
These white supremacists are not that supreme if you ask me. Looks like they are just regular racists with extra hot sauce and onions.
FCA keeps pushing Fiat, Alpha, etc in America, which I think it a mistake. No one wants them.
“If you can’t to the time, don’t do the crime.”
I’ve heard that bullshit before. “We’re the party of Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln.”
Many rural people hunt deer for food. There are places where stores are not so common, and food prices are high, yet deer and other wild game are plentiful. For this reason, guns are extremely important to them. Politicians know this, and use this to create the “they’re gonna take your guns away” narrative, which is…
1. There is no “unity” and “moving on” until justice is served.
Fox is still trying to make trump into a hero and a victim.
That was my guess as well, but I’m wondering if trump can be charged as a civilian by the FBI after he leaves office for crimes he committed while he was in office. I would think so.
I hope so. As long as he goes to prison. Jr and Eric can go too, along with all the other traitors.
Maybe a few will have a spine.
After Jan 20th, the Democrats be deciding this anyway.
The worst president in the history of the United States. Congratulations you fat orange fuck.
Maybe he’s hoping for a pardon before trump leaves office. Fuck him, the spineless coward.
And flying cars.
I am seriously concerned for the lives of Biden and Harris. Someone is going to try to kill them and anyone else that is seen by these bastards as a threat to their ideals.
Fuck these republicans. They enabled him. They never had the guts to stand up to him when they had the chance. Even now, after his treachery is on full display, they are still spineless, useless cowards. They were quivering on the floor, hiding from the attackers, and yet they want to talk about “unity”? WE ARE WAY…
Hmm. Isn’t he supposed to represent trump in Impeachment 2.0 if it makes to to the Senate?