So it’s not true? He didn’t taser himself in the balls? He didn’t zap himself into a heart attack with smoke coming out of his butt?
So it’s not true? He didn’t taser himself in the balls? He didn’t zap himself into a heart attack with smoke coming out of his butt?
We cannot heal until the infection has been eradicated. Those that committed these acts, including the ones to incited them, must be punished.
To be honest, the police response was pretty quick when you consider that they had to run home, change out of their MAGA clothes and into their uniforms, and then come back.
I suspect they are charging them with the stuff they can immediately prove, and are still conducting investigations into their actions. They want to make sure they get their ducks in a row before the sedition, insurrection charges come. That may take months.
I’ve noticed that most of the charges brought against these people seem to be fairly lightweight. I wonder if they are saving the more serious charges (sedition, insurrection, etc.) for after Jan 20th.
Over at Faux News, the comment section is going crazy. It’s kind of fun to see them ripping into each other like that.
That’s shocking.
He should be publicly tarred and feathered. And then be put in prison for a couple of decades.
Fucker Carlson is a real piece of degenerate maggot shit.
I took a look at that bullshit site as well:
If you cannot trust a president with the nuclear codes due to his instability, then he does not fucking need to be president.
This new logo sucks and I hate it.
I believe this is very likely true.
I guess he found a line he wouldn’t cross. Maybe he will take some time to reflect on his previous activity.
The one he answers to. Putin.
I have been doing some home renovations, and teaching myself about various tools and techniques. I have started a lot of projects. Finishing them is...well I’m still working on that.
She should have protested correctly.
She knew what she signed up for.
I realize that’s a very big “if,” but I hope some advisors talk some sense into him. Trump had to be removed from power before he tries to launch a nuclear strike for the hell of it.
I was frankly expecting something like this to happen, though not to that magnitude. trump has been lying from the start, and spreading conspiracy theories on social media - which itself should have called into question whether he was fit for office (among quite a few other actions/statements he made).
A lot of republicans are distancing themselves from him. Even the humanoid parasite Lindsay Graham has removed his lips from trumps ass.