Graham is a fucking parasite.
Graham is a fucking parasite.
I’m very sorry to hear this. I lost a cat back in Feb due to old age. She was my constant companion for years. It’s very hard. I still look for her sometimes, momentarily forgetting that she’s gone.
Maybe it’s because he always had a smile on his face when playing. It brought joy to him and he spread it to others. That’s something that’s rare in music.
I just can’t believe he is gone.
He’s still on powerful steroids. We’ll see how he does when they wear off.
He disbanded the pandemic response team. He actively prevented PPE from getting to states he didn’t like. He WANTED it to spread in blue states. He wanted Democrat voters to get sick and die. He knew from the beginning that the virus was deadly and easily spread, but publicly, he downplayed it. He lied through has…
I couldn’t watch. I tried, but I was frustrated by the lack of sheer pissed-offness Biden should have been showing.
It’s probably russian propaganda, but if it’s not, burning products “in protest” is just another from of attention-seeking.
I’d say it’s clearly influenced by “Let’s Get It On” but so are dozens of other songs. The tempo and groove are the same, but the lyrics and melody are different.
Romney has to keep the Mormons happy.
I have complete faith that the Republicans will do the wrong thing. This will end, one way or another, with a right wing husk in in a packed court.
McConnell knows the rules are arbitrary and only apply to democrats and never republicans. We all should know this.
The OP is clearly a troll.
God fucking damn it.
So, is anyone going to mention that the design wasn’t Jeep’s to begin with?
;) This may just be an elaborate scheme to get people to watch other racing events. I’m not sure yet, but I like it.
I like the idea of a street course for Indycar. I hope this becomes a common thing. It makes races more interesting, and can be a good thing for local economies.