Because they are as corrupt as he is.
Because they are as corrupt as he is.
Walking dead has black and queer women in leadership, and a large groups of people building an interconnected group of towns, complete with a new constitution. Just saying.
Three-box passenger car with an enclosed trunk.
Rudy will be the fall guy. He will take the blame, go to trial, get sentenced, and then get pardoned.
That’s awesome, but it’s not a sedan.
Make sure there’s not dust buildup in the machine. That would be the first thing I would check.
Whatevs. I’d not like anyone thought he was going to cooperate anyway.
Don’t take any shit from the losers, assholes, shit heads, and trolls. They are just jealous because their lives suck, and they are too stupid to do anything about it.
I think he has a brain worm.
They (well most of them) didn’t consider black men and women to be fully human. Turns out, they are, so there you go.
That’s a lot of effort for cardboard with cheese.
Trump: “I’m not too worried about this impeachm-hey, look over there!!! War and stuff!!!”
Starting wars is a lot easier than ending them.
Neanderthals were far more intelligent.
He’s always been more concerned about his legacy then actually doing good for the country.
You are in no position to make a statement. You’re “black on black” claim is just your racism showing through.
This was an assassination. Probably committed by off-duty cops, or the shooter(s) were at least paid by them.
How will Rick Perry ever get the tire marks off his clothes, we will never know.