
Just let Young Bucks superkick everybody. And there will be peace in the world.

I guess I can see why it would bother you. But please take into consideration something else. There are people who love those characters SO MUCH they would invest their time to create something new. To create something of beauty in itself (I know lot of it isn’t good, whole lot of it isn’t in good taste, but there are

If you are tired of playing support, just dont play it. Try to win without it. It works sometime. And if someone just wrote “we need healer” tell them: “pick it then”.

But you know, if that reward is going only to some percentile of players you probably wont get it. Unless it’s for amount played.

Errrrr... errr... woukd be embarrsing to say that I got unreasanobly aroused by this imagery with Gillian Anderson doing the seducing?

I am sorry, but Katee Sackhoff was one of the reasons I found BattleStar Galactica unwatchable. I was there for 2 seasons, gritting my teeth, hoping against everything her character would die. And nothing. So I gave up on it. There are several actors that I just don’t like to see on screen. I like her voice and if she

To be honest after reading through 1636: Saxon Uprising I was really disappointed. Somehow, somewhere along the line Mr. Flint lost me as a reader. It’s a pity, I’ve re-read first three during the winter, I’ve took my sweet time with the books, even read up on some of the events and put out my history books to get

Btw that’s not suprising, she told Jamie during their travels. I thought that everyone knew that...

Yes I can recommend to anyone to read like first 3 books or something like that of 1632. After that it just becomes soap opera with local/national/continental/global politics. And without looking through eyes of those planning the politics, cause writers are working with several characters who have real global impact.

btw in the battle on the bridge he was just bloody mess. My soldiers were all around him and using their long spear they put A WHOLE LOT OF DAMAGE into him. He just didn’t die.

I will never forget immortal Russian Tzar who stood with his horse on the bridge long after his whole army ran or was killed. And he hacked and hacked and hacked and hacked all my soldiers. He alone killed 350+ men with his saber and when he had enough he just ran as well. And I gave chase.


They won’t be. There is something magical inside those books. And I am not really sure, if it can be translated to the screen. I am almost sure it can’t....

I tried it as well, cause it was on Netflix for my country as well. And I just... disliked it after 4 episodes so much I put it down and I won’t watch it ever again. I just can’t stomach that terrible acting and really bad dialogues.

Of course, but tbh whole wrestling concept is foreign for us. The whole “hitting each other to determine outcome of the conflict” is really weird for us. Our most famous soldier Svejk is basically how we view ourselves.

And I watched it yesterday again. And again I cried. I am 30 year old guy from country without wrestling tradition whose wife thinks he is crazy and whose friends won’t ever understand why he watches this stuff. And why he is awake at 02:25 at the morning and waiting for NXT: Takeover.

To be honest, this is the only game to be released this year I am really hyped about. I’ve sinked too many times into grand strategies. And me and some of my friends are planning our bi-weekly whisky/LAN sessions of Stellaris multiplayer without our significant others. If the game runs well we’ll be switching from

Just a question - I am not from USA and I don’t really understand this “abortion clinic” thing. Hospitals should provide abortions, at least gynocologist should. If there are problems with some kind of laws that practically forces gynocologist that provide abortions into buildings that have to be basically hospitals,

Because CK is more of an RPG and you are having more “fun” just messing with people’s lives. EU is just pure strategy. More fun for me, I can’t seem to enjoy CK, but I already lost 700 hours in EU4. And I don’t even want to know how much in EU3.

Ahsoka will die, won’t she. Noes. I don’t wanna. And Ezra is going to be tempted by the Dark Side some more. Poor kid. Anyway, it looks... fucking amazing. I am getting hyped.